How will our resurrection body be different from our current body?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Danny Hickman

"Resurrection body." That's a catchy name; it sounds as if the body we currently inhabit will be changed and we'll still have the same body. I've seen questions on this site asking if we'll recognize each other. I've seen answers that say we will, and it's based on Jesus' body scars on his resurrected body. The difference is that Jesus' body didn't suffer any decay. Plus, there is evidence that Jesus wasn't recognized at times. Mary thought he was the grounds keeper when she went to annoint his body on the day he rose from the dead. She didn't know him until he called her by name. Read John 20:14-16. She was talking to him, looking at him, and didn't know it was him. Why?

As far as saying his body was resurrected and he could now appear and enter a room without opening a door, we must remember, he walked on water before he was resurrected from the dead. Basing a belief about what our resurrected body will be like based on anything about Jesus (who is God in a human body) is faulty reasoning.

The two men who walked with him from Jerusalem to the town of Emmaus didn't know who he was until they got to the village and sat down to eat with him. Afterwards, they went back to Jerusalem and found the eleven and told them about it. While they spoke, "Jesus stood among them." He spoke and they thought they'd seen a spirit (ghost). Then he showed them his scars.

If he looked the same I don't think proof of his identity (the scars) would have been necessary. (read Luke 24)

October 21 2022 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Let's go a little deeper.

Jesus had been severely beaten just three days prior to his rising from the dead. Three days isn't enough time for a busted lip and a black eye to heal! (trust me, I have first hand knowledge of this kind of thing). Yet, he would show his scarred hands and feet to prove it was he who had been dead. Nothing is said about his appearance except he wasn't recognized at first glance by anyone. I think something is being said that isn't easily perceived. The bible makes a living off of being quiet about the quiet parts.

Why didn't Mary recognize him at the tomb when she went there? Why didn't the two men on the road to Emmaus? It took Peter and John an extra second to know who Jesus was when he went out to have breakfast on the beach with them.

"After this Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples by the Sea Of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this way." (John 21:1)

Did you catch that? The term 'revealed himself' was explicitly used twice in one breath. IT MEANS SOMETHING! I don't think he was recognized if he didn't 'reveal himself.' I think that's being casually expressed.

I ain't sure he had the same appearance as before. The holes in his side and in his hands are said to be how he was identified. He tells Thomas to come closer and take a look at his wounds. It would seem to me that his badly beaten body would rate a comment. His wounds were apparently already healed. This was no ordinary human body).

October 21 2022 Report

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