What is the 'Free the Nipple' movement and how should a Christian respond to it?


1 Corinthians 12:22 - 23

ESV - 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. 23 And on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 06 2018 Img 2479 Ara Nelson

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Mini Trish Whitehouse
Although breast- feeding is a natural gift given by God to produce, not only nurturing of food substance to a little infant, but also a close physical bond with the mother. An act of intimacy, it is to be done in private, or with the breasts concealed to the other adults. 

There is nothing shameful about breasts. The Hebrew root word Shad, such as used in El-Shaddai, means 'breast.' 

In this hedonistic and perverse culture we live in, many forces want to take the beautiful things God made to either shame, or pervert, Not understanding that all things are beautiful within God’s boundaries, the World tries to push limits, take things out of their proper place and context, and destroy lovely things.

This movement is about exposing breasts to any and everyone. Though not a shameful thing in its place with a husband, or a small infant, breasts are not always viewed the same by everyone.

As a protective Father, who knows not all people are of clean mind and heart, and to save the woman from exposing what is a stimulating part of the body to people who have no business viewing her, I believe the Lord would call for modesty and wisdom. 

Having no shame is very different from exposing yourself to everyone. For example, sex inside marriage, is to be enjoyed and no shame carried with it. That doesn’t mean sex should be enjoyed with everyone, for then it would be used shamefully, and thus, perverted. 

A Christian woman should, to protect herself and her child, be discreet and cover her breasts with a blanket in public, or find a quiet place alone to breast feed. 

Any woman who wants others to view her breasts, is desiring this and fighting for the right to do it, does not understand Godliness or sin nature of human kind, hers and others. 

I breastfed my children, and tried to do so discreetly. At my church there was a darkened room for nursing mothers to view services, while nursing their babies, and this was a good arrangement. 

Often the World seems to want to force Christians into a category of, “prude,” which is far from the truth. This is because the World hates that it is not us, but God who decides the proper order of things, and that we, as a fallen creature have sin, that in its very nature, perverts God good gifts.

March 07 2018 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
As I understand it, the Free the Nipple movement focuses on the issue of women not being allowed to appear topless in public, as men are. Apparently, this distinction is seen by members of the movement as one of multiple factors contributing to institutionalized or cultural inequality between the sexes, to the disadvantage of women.

I would say that, while Christians acknowledge the human body as having been created by God (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:21-22), the Bible also records in Genesis 3:7 that one of the first effects of sin was an effort by both sexes to cover their former nakedness, because (in my opinion) the presence of sin gave rise to lustful thoughts and desires in connection with nudity that did not exist prior to the Fall.

This then would be the basis (in my opinion) for the customs or conventions involved in the covering of "unpresentable" (to use the wording of the verse cited in the question) parts of the body that are generally observed to this day.

To change these long-standing practices in the manner advocated by movements such as Free the Nipple would contribute (in my opinion) to an increase in attitudes and thoughts that the Bible clearly condemns (as Jesus did, for example, in Matthew 5:27-30), and that cannot be done away with merely by fiat, since they are part of our nature as fallen, sinful human beings, which no one (including Christians, even if they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit) will ever be completely free of in this life (Romans 7:13-25). There would be nothing to be gained by giving Satan yet another tool or toehold for promoting sin, in addition to the multitude of such factors that already exist in today's society.

March 08 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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