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Is the New European Version of the Bible a reliable, authorized and recognized version?


Clarify Share Report Asked October 24 2017 Unnamed JOYS K.SAMUEL Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Malcolm Rowe

I am not a Biblical scholar, so cannot authoritatively comment on the accuracy of the NEV Bible with respect to the original texts. However, my understanding is that it is an adaptation/modernisation of a blend of the KJV and the ASV. I understand that the creator of this version is a Christadelphian. Some places in the text which in other modern translations might be used to support a Trinitarian interpretation have been phrased differently allowing a Unitarian interpretation. For example, where the NIV quotes Jesus as saying 'Before Abraham was, I am', the NEV words it as 'I am of higher status than Abraham ever was' and provides a commentary note to justify this interpretation, essentially stating that 'before' in the Greek text is being used as a metaphor for 'superior to'. Whether this is within the scope of the original Greek, I do not know but it does not seem to fit with mainstream understanding of the passage.

January 01 2022 Report

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