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When Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 10: 22, "He who endures to the end will be saved," is Jesus teaching salvation by endurance/works?


Matthew 10:22

NKJV - 22 And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Clarify Share Report Asked August 13 2017 Mini Robert Whitlock

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Mini Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
To me, Jesus in this passage is not contradicting the principle of salvation by faith alone. He is indicating that, in the face of the persecution that is to come for His disciples, and that He is warning them about, some of them may react (for various reasons such as fear, or because of a promise of physical or temporal safety or deliverance from persecution made by the opponents of Christianity) by abandoning or abjuring their saving faith (similar to those represented by the seed that fell on rocky ground in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:20-21)). It is endurance of faith of which he is speaking, not endurance in the performance of any particular work(s).

August 14 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Matthew Miller Supporter
The thought of turning away from Jesus is serious and troubles my heart to undergo temptation leading out of Gods Will while following a path of spiritual death. How many conversations could we tell stories about people so close discovering salvation but do not quite reach the conclusion! They were pulled away by a powerful temptation which our sin nature can be to much for some to beat. God reminds us of such consequences where the end result is a hardened heart and failed existence. 

Enduring the trials of temptation can be feirce, cruel, and fearful. God gives us strength to overcome such events but a part of us must not fall from the path. That part in us comes from our heart which becomes the choice to love God and be obident. It's not works when we truly allow the Holy Spirit complete control leading us to witness by what action we show, what words we say, and what we listen to.

Following Gods will is something we all wish Could be prefect in. Sometimes we question our ability to follow the Holy Spirit and ponder if we are truly doing what God has directed us to do. The only known facts to understand if our lives have met Gods criteria comes from our hearts, recognizing we are sinners, we must turn our life over to Jesus, beg for Him to enter our heart, pray to Jesus, read His living word everyday, and do what He teaches us by love and fear. This might seem like works but no one has the ability to follow what God has requested and placed before us on our own! 

We will fail during the enduring journey to our promised inheritance of ever lasting life. This stumbling block was placed there for a reason, that thorn in your side can represent the sincere love you have for God by never allowing that temptation to hit your weak moments. 

By enduring to the end is the extreme hardships we will endure as long as we live and when we fail what actions will you take?

August 14 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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