Why not include it only once?
DARBY - 1 ¶ L'insensé a dit dans son coeur: Il n'y a point de Dieu. Ils se sont corrompus, et ils ont rendu abominable la perversité; il n'y a personne qui fasse le bien. 2 Dieu a regardé des cieux sur les fils des hommes, pour voir s'il y a quelqu'un qui soit intelligent, qui recherche Dieu:
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My understanding is that, despite the similarities in the translated versions of these psalms, their original Hebrew wording contained differences (such as the names used to refer to God) that were indicative of the influence of varying groups of priests or schools of thought within the overall Levitic priesthood, and that were more significant from an interpretational standpoint to the worshippers of that time than they might seem to readers of today, or to those who might read these psalms in other languages. That is the reason why they were preserved or handed down separately, rather than being merged into a single psalm.
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