NKJV - 18 The second row shall be a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond.
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I love questions such as these as they truly make one pull out the thinking cap and Reason with the LORD. First, when Joseph became ruler of Egypt he did so to: a. Store up grain during years of plenty and b. Oversee the distribution of that grain in the years of want. When Jacob and his 11 sons and their families, 76 persons in all, went to Egypt they were GIVEN the land of Goshen by Pharaoh through Joseph. Gen 45:10, Gen 45:17-25. As Jacob came into Egypt, he was not exactly poor. Just hungry, with hungry animals, why did it take so many carts to bring him to Egypt? Deductive reasoning; the man had stuff! Jacob had lived many years in Canaan as did his father Issac and his father Abraham. History tells of the jewelry the Canaanites made, sold, traded, used in their worship of their multiple gods. Rachel, Jacob's beloved wife had stolen her father's idols that was made out of what? The Bible does not tell us. Jacob eventually buried them, but still the point I am making is the land of Canaan itself was not in want of precious metals or stones. Jacob moving to Egypt would surely have taken these items with him. So, how did the Egyptians come by them? Reasoning again... There was a famine! Five more years after the Israelites came to Egypt. First the money ran out, then the cattle was given for bread, then the land was given, finally their very bodies were given to the Pharaoh for bread. I often wondered how Jacob and his sons walked unto Egypt as free men, and five years later they were all slaves to Pharaoh. This had all been prophecies to Abraham Gen 15:13 God knew exactly what He was doing. He is a God of Restoration! When the Israelites walked out of Egypt.. they were instructed to go and spoil the Egyptians. What do you suppose payment is for 400 years work? Also, give back our family's jewelry, it's our birthright! This is a beautiful picture to us today! When we walk out of the World (Egypt) we may seem broken and shattered as we kneel at the Cross of Calvary for the first time, but our Champion the Lord Jesus Christ is banging on the World's doors, give up the jewels you stole from my child, give them, their back wages, place them in My Hand and when the time is right, I Shall create in them a more Perfect Tabernacle that I can sup with them through my Headship Forevermore! Our Champion who paid it All, is a GOD of RESTORATION! Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, Topaz all semi-precious stones, Gold, Silver.. All restored to their rightful owner, and all we will be able to do is offer gratitude for the Marvelous Wonderful Works that HE HAS PERFORMED IN US! Be Blessed, Lena
Aside from any gold and precious stones that the Israelites might have already had in their possession prior to the exodus from Egypt, Exodus 12:35-36 indicates that the Egyptians (at the Israelites' request, per God's direction (Exodus 11:2)) gave the Israelites jewelry, silver, gold, and clothing as an inducement to get the Israelites to leave Egypt after the killing of all the first-born of Egypt, so that no further plagues from God would be visited on the Egyptians. In my opinion, these combined sources would have provided the materials for the ornamentation of the priestly vestments and the fashioning of the Tabernacle.
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