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I would say that living by faith would be marked by the following characteristics: Becoming deeply grounded in the knowledge of God through continuing study of the Bible. Living according to what the Bible says about God and His will, rather than filtering Him through the experiences or perceptions of ourselves or of others. When it is clear (through prayer, reflection, the Bible, and/or God working through events) that something is God's will, acting on that belief, and continuing to act regardless of how unlikely success may seem, or how much opposition may be encountered. Being faithful to God in both the large and small, or long-term and day-to-day, actions and decisions of our lives. Concentrating on the positive. Not letting our actions be deterred or controlled by fear, the world's value system, or negative attitudes that we want to change or get rid of. Focusing on the actions, values, and attitudes that we want to replace them with (Philippians 4:8). Expressing our faith verbally, and sharing it with others.
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