Vs. 54 says, "He returned to Nazareth, his hometown. When he taught there in the synagogue, everyone was amazed and said, “Where does he get this wisdom and the power to do miracles?” Vs. 55 says, "Then they scoffed, “He’s just the carpenter’s son..." Vs. 57 says, "And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.”"
ESV - 54 And coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?
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The people in Nazareth had known Jesus from a very young age until He was thirty. During that time, although the Bible notes that Jesus Himself (even by the age of twelve) was aware of His identity as the Son of God (Luke 2:41-51), there is no recorded instance or reason to believe that Jesus showed any indication or said anything to anyone outside His family that would have led those who came in contact with Him in Nazareth to believe that He was anything other than a normal, unremarkable young Jewish man who was following in his (earthly) father's footsteps as far as His occupation, nor that Mary or Joseph shared the circumstances of His conception and birth with any of their neighbors. When He returned to Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30) after having departed from there and having begun His public ministry, the inhabitants of Nazareth, who would have known that He had received none of the formal religious training normally required of a rabbi, heard Him say that He was not just a teacher or a prophet, but the fulfillment of a prophecy that the Jewish people had awaited for many centuries. Not only that, but Jesus rebuked them for what He knew was their lack of faith, and for welcoming Him only because they wanted to see Him do the same kind of miracles that they had heard second-hand reports of Him performing in Capernaum. Jesus also further angered them by indicating to them His awareness that they would reject Him, even citing previous examples from Scripture of well-known prophets such as Elijah and Elisha who were sent by God to people other than the Israelites, because the Israelites would not listen to them, place their faith in them, or give them the recognition and honor that was due to them as prophets (while also implying to the people of Nazareth that He was as great as, or even greater than, those prophets had been). All these factors combined to cause the people of Nazareth to largely reject Jesus' attempts to minister to them, and even to be enraged with Him to the point of attempting to kill Him by casting Him off a cliff (although Matthew 13:58 records that He apparently did do some miracles among them, but not many, because of their general unbelief). The late author Jim Bishop, who wrote the book The Day Christ Died (an hour-by hour account of the events from sunset on Maundy Thursday until Jesus' entombment on Good Friday) included in the book a background summary of the life of Jesus, which contained a section dealing with the reaction of the people of Nazareth to Jesus' return there. (I cannot find an online version of it to provide a link to here, but I recommend that reference to anyone interested in this subject.)
The account given in the Gospel of Matthew describes Jesus as the "son of the carpenter" and stating that he could not do many deeds of power. (Matt 13:54-58) In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Mark there is an account of a visit by Jesus to his hometown with his followers. On the Sabbath, he enters a synagogue and begins to teach. It says that many who heard were 'astounded', and that they were offended, asking "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary?” It adds that he could do no 'deeds of power there' except to heal a few sick people. Amazed at the community's lack of belief and faith in Him, Jesus observes that "prophets are not without honour, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house." (Mark 6:1-6) In Matthew and Mark the crowd is also described as referring to Jesus as being the brother of James, Simon, Joseph, and Judas. Jesus returns to the town where he grew up and starts a public ministry. One Saturday, he goes to the front of the synagogue. Jesus was judged by his family connections. "Isn't this Joseph's son?". The Nazarenes reckoned that because they were familiar with Jesus, he couldn't possibly deserve the reputation he had acquired in Galilee. To be rejected is a horrible experience. The people in the synagogue in Nazareth have low expectations of someone born in their town and are suspicious of Jesus. Their lack of faith rendered Jesus unable to perform miracles, although he was able to cure a few sick people. It is evident from what Jesus said that he was rejected in Nazareth. He probably saw this as a sign that the Jews as a whole would reject him and the gospel would be taken to the Gentiles. Jesus was rejected in Nazareth because there he did few miracles. Jesus could do few miracles in Nazareth because the population lacked faith in Him. (Matt.13:58) Today Western Europeans have largely rejected Jesus Christ but that doesn't mean the Spirit has stopped working or Christianity has stopped spreading. The Spirit is bringing life and light and liberty to millions in Asia, Africa and South America. Jesus walked right through the crowd and went His way (Luke 4:30). Jesus went on his way. He never returned to Nazareth. Jesus never went back. What an opportunity the people of Nazareth missed. While He hung on the cross He prayed, At about three in the afternoon Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Elí, Elí, lemá sabachtháni?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matt 27:46). Jesus felt that he was rejected at one point of time. Someone may have rejected you in your parish. It may hurt you and that rejection may have wounded you. I have personally experienced in the recent past. But you will never be able to say Jesus has rejected you. In fact, if you're feeling rejected, Jesus understands better than anyone what that feels like. Prayer is a weapon that will safeguard the rejection.
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