In speaking to satan, God says to him that He will put a hostility between woman and satan. Does this mean women are affected differently by sin/evil than men?
ESV - 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.
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In my opinion, when God said to the serpent (that is, Satan) that He would put enmity between the serpent and the woman, He was not referring to an enmity or an effect of sin based on the woman's gender as such (that is, the mere fact that she was a woman rather than a man), but with regard to Eve's capacity as the forerunner of all women who would give birth to each subsequent member of humanity (both male and female). In other words, the enmity between Satan and humanity would begin with Eve, and it would extend to all other people who would subsequently be born, until one of Eve's descendants (that is, Christ) would someday arise who, although he would be "bruised" by crucifixion and physical death (likened to a slight wound to His heel), would then also more severely "bruise" Satan (likened to a fatal head wound) through His resurrection, thereby assuring Satan's ultimate defeat.
My understanding of that scripture is that the offsprings of the woman are both men and women. Women do not give birth to women alone but to both sexes. We see then that the curse fell upon the entire human race. God placed a specific curse on the woman in verse 16. The interesting point, however, is that Christ is the one who with finality bruises the head of the serpent, the devil at the end of this age.
I my opinion, since Adam and Eve had violated the commandment, they had lost sight of the distinction between good and evil. Originally, there was no enmity between the woman and the serpent when they related and talked with each other. Note that Adam didn't talk or relate to the serpent, only to Eve. As a result Eve was corrupted more than Adam. Growing enmity between the woman and the serpent has been one major result of God's progressive revelation of the difference between good and evil continuing on and finally up to the time of Christ and the Christian religion. This enmity ensures that the Fall through the woman and the serpent will not be repeated in human history. Women are not affected by sin/evil differently than men, but without this enmity, they would have had a weakness for talking to serpents, demonic beings or spirits, etc. Historically speaking, most mediums or channelers supposedly talking to the dead or spirit beings, have been women.
When you use a Strong's Concordance when you study the bible, you can find that “enmity” between the woman’s offspring and the serpent’s offspring implies a child is coming or children are coming, and there will be hate between them. Cain and Abel both come from Eve. When you study the bible you may learn that the "apple" mentioned in Genesis is not an actual apple that you eat. In the Hebrew language, "bit of the forbidden fruit" meant “lie with the forbidden.” Adam and Eve BOTH lay with the serpant (intercourse), and of that sin came about offspring both from Adam and the serpent, and there was enmity between Cain and Abel. I am not all knowing or profess to know all, but in my studying this is what I learned. Study for yourself, seek for your self and GOD will reveal His meaning.
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