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Yes (Genesis 2:7-8), although there is reason to believe that, even though only certain individuals are mentioned in connection with the creation account in Genesis, there were descendants of Adam and Eve whose names are omitted, as implied as early as Genesis 4:17, where reference is made to Cain's wife, although there is no specific account of her birth or ancestry. The genealogy in 1 Chronicles 1 lists no one before Adam. In addition, the genealogy of Jesus contained in Luke 3 traces His descent back to Adam, who is indicated as being the "son of God", which could only have been true if God Himself had created him, and he had not been of human parentage. (There is no mention in the Bible of anyone else (except Jesus) being born of other than two human parents.) The Bible also indicates that the sin of one man (Adam) resulted in the spreading of sin to all of humanity (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21), which would not be true if he were not the progenitor of all other people.
The first thing I wish to say is that my opinion admittedly differs from most Christians so please take this for what it is, an opinion. Yes Adam was the first man. However, Adam was also the word for mankind as Genesis says God created man (In Hebrew Adam), male and female created he them. So he created mankind male and female on the 6th day. This was in Genesis 1: 26-28. In chapter 2, we get more details about the creation. God created mankind then took Adam (the man) and placed him in the garden of Eden. Because he was alone, God created Eve for his helpmate/companion. I personally believe that God created others, male and female outside the garden and it is from them that Adam's (the man) descendants found their mates, outside the garden. These also were the ones God told not to kill Cain. (Where else would they have come from). Other details in chapter two are why I also believe that the 6 days of creation were longer than 24 hour days. (Lots of things happened on that 6th day that would have taken lots of time including Adam naming all the animals, God planting and growing a garden, putting Adam into a deep sleep, taking his rib and creating Eve from it, etc. Not that God could not have done all that in a day, the Bible just does not read that way to me. In no way do I believe that this in any way conflicts with the truth of the Bible.
Genesis 1:26-27 God created man, the Hebrew word for man is adam. In this first chapter is says that He created man, male and female. Genesis 2 expands on the process of creating man (Genesis 2:7-8). Genesis 2:18 shows that the first man was alone in his kind at this point. The other animals that he named were already male and female and God probably wanted Adam to understand this and presented them to him in their pairs. No suitable helper was found for Adam from among the rest of creation. The name Adam was first recorded in Genesis 2:19 and was probably given as he was the representation of all mankind. When Eve was formed from Adam's rib, Adam called her woman, wife (ishshah in the Hebrew, which doesn't have a separate word to distinguish wife from woman in the same way that it doesn't have a separate word to distinguish husband from man. God only intended one man and one woman to be married, so the distinction would be on ownership: my/her man = husband, my/his woman = wife. It's the same in the Greek and allows for better interpretation of some contentious scriptures). Eve receives her personal name from Adam in Genesis 3:20 (Chavvah in the Hebrew - em (mother) chay (living, alive)). From Adam and Eve came the rest of mankind.
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