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Can anyone shed some light on what I am feeling is normal? After reading some of the answers and hearing from some of the churchgoers, I find myself fearful and "down". It seems some state their belief (using the Bible) and others, also using the Bible state a different viewpoint. Example: A person claims to be a Christian and goes thru all the right immature moves(meaning the baby steps of being new at it) while declaring to another who believes in Evolution as part of the "human-origin" plan and the Adam and Eve story was symbolic in that God is the creator of Everything, including the evolution process. After all, they state, science has proven it. I become sooo sad as if I am finding out these people might be imposters or maybe they understand something I don't yet.
I have also heard that slavery is ok and yet Ebible stated that slavery served a part in man's development and growth and the only type that is wrong is slavery caused against a RACE rather than advancement of man, with all having some part to play in it. A couple of people have stated they were racists but in fact they had been hurt in the past and did not like other people's cultures,moreso. They had other race type friends which they had to reposition themselves on the subject.
True, we all are at different levels of learning...perhaps what I am seeing and feeling.? I seem to be a black and white learner. These others seem to be grey minds. When I voice my concern, I am told that my problem is that I have too many expectations for myself and others and need to be just concerned with my learning in letting God's Holy Spirit to guide me. How can I be sure that that is the voice I am really hearing and not Satan's to get me to doubt and run? I had belonged to a cult before and this is how and why I am fearful..of being on the wrong track again. It all gets so confusing for me.
One Christian told me that I did not have to do anything but accept Christ's sacrifice and I have been undoubtedly "saved". Yet my study shows that it alone is only the takes growing and becoming more like Christ in obedience and example that will bring us into being saved...."by the fruits...." Unproducing branches will be cut off. But no one seems to want to hear that and this frustrates me. It makes me want to isolate and keep this private to myself..making me feel like now I am judging others. Help me find the truth..I feel so vulnerable and an odd ball.
Welcome to the joys of growing up in Christ! First, take heart that you are on the right track. Learning anything is never easy. Doesn't matter if you're learning swimming, skiing or living a God-centered life, growth is never a straight line process.
Second, we have to have great care to give grace, patience and understanding especially to our fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Many are well-meaning, but they too are patients in this hospital called the 'church'. Everyone is recovering at a different rate, but no one is fully healed yet. Therefor, expect, many Christians to still have much of their fallen sinful nature with them. We are all renewing daily in our mind, sanctified daily through the Holy Spirit. But none of us are perfect, and we live by the cross each day, dying just a bit further, and giving control to Christ bit by bit each day.
So understand that just because a person is "Christian", it does not mean that this person is perfect, nor will this person represent Christ in all aspects of their life. Sanctification happens daily, the renewing of the mind is an ongoing process. We are to be the light of the world, salt of the earth. But just like patients in a hospital, some of us are still in the ER, some of us are on the operating table, some of us are in the recovery unit, some of us are checking out of the hospital. If everyone is perfect, they'd be no need of this hospital called the 'church' would it?
So understand that your fellow Christians who are trying to help you also need a measure of grace. None of us are perfect in our understanding of God, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't help each other.
Sometimes, we provide erroneous conclusions, but that's OK. Jesus did not wait for his disciples to be perfect before he pushed them to go out and help the world. Even the apostle Peter made mistakes and Paul corrected him (Galatians 2).
So understand that the motive of your fellow eBible readers are good. They merely want to help. But at the end, you are still responsible for your learning. You need to own this and draw your conclusion by making sure everything abides by the Bible.
Will there be interpretation difficulties? Yes. Is the path of a believer all smooth and wrinkle-free? No. God never made it easy for anyone. Not the disciples, the apostles and all of the early church. Many were persecuted for simply believing. You and I get to argue theological differences in our pajamas in the confines of our home. Persecution is still active today, and when surrounded in that context, theological differences in the meaning of evolution, slavery and countless other things many of us are fond to disagree on, is irrelevant.
What matters is who you are to God, and what is God to you. How do you live your life to honor Him? Obey Jesus' two commandments - love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul and love others as you love yourself.
Biblically, 'spiritual warfare' and the 'victory over satan' are called "spiritual blessings".
Apostle Paul's teaching on this subject in his Epistle to the Ephesians is explicit and conclusive.
✿ According to him, the active sphere of evil powers is "in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12).
✿ Christ is seated "in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion" (1:20,21).
✿ We as believers in Him are seated with Him at this level "in the heavenly places" (1:3).
As such the warfare is not at the horizontal plane. We fight the enemy from above him. This principle is best illustrated in the battle scene of God's people against Amalek. Moses, Aaron and Hur on the hilltop represent intercessors. Joshua and the people who confront Amalekites in the plains represent Gospel communicators (Ex 17).