ESV - 14 And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: 'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.
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According to The Expanded Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, the word “amen” is transliterated from Hebrew into both Greek and English. The meaning of the word is closely associated with the ideas of truth (correspondence to reality) and faithfulness (reliability) but can change slightly depending on context. For example, when God says “amen,” it means “it is and shall be so,” affirming the absolute truth and reliability of the idea(s) conveyed. When man says “amen,” it means “so let it be” which affirms his acquiescence to the truth of the idea(s) conveyed. It is interesting that Instead of ending His statements with the word amen as we normally do in our prayers and doxologies, Jesus often began His statements with the word “amen,” followed by “I say to you…” In John’s Gospel, Jesus’ use of the word amen at the beginning of a sentence is always repeated for emphasis (“amen, amen”) which comes across in most English translations as “truly, truly” or “verily, verily.” This is at least part of the reason that people were astonished at His teaching (Mark 1:22) and that the temple guards could not arrest Him (John 7:46) – He spoke with absolute authority. Jesus’ authority was His own (given to Him by the Father) as He spoke only what He was taught by the Father (John 8:28). Typical rabbinical teaching of the day always referenced a greater authority than the speaker. For instance, a Rabbi would usually preface an important proposition by crediting a well-known and respected scribe or Rabbi who had spoken or written on the subject. He would say, “Rabbi _________ says…,” etc. By contrast, the teaching of Jesus (“Truly, truly I say to you”) was based on His own authority, not on that of other teachers. This amazed the people and infuriated the Jewish rulers and scholars. In Revelation 3:14 Jesus refers to Himself as the “Amen.” He is the ultimate truth. He is the very essence of truth. He is truth personified. He is the foundation and fountain head (beginning) of all truth. He is the faithful and true witness. We have full assurance and confidence that His words are true and trustworthy. He is the definitive Amen, “it is and shall be so.” And to Him we respond, “Amen – so let it be.”
Jesus is known as the Amen because Jesus is the Truth and all He said is based on Godly truth. Amen means "It is true" and "Truly, Truly". Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and there is no other way to get to Heaven except through Him (The Truth". That is why Wise men still seek Him for Eternal Life.
Jesus is known as the 'Amen', that is, as the Faithful and True. The following words in the verse actually define and clarify what it means. The 'why' is the astounding truth of our Lord and who He is, 'King of kings and Lord of lords.' Jesus was, is, and will always be, the Living Word of God (John 1:1-5, 9-14, 18 Rev 19:9 & Rev 19:13) and God's words are 'Faithful and True' (Rev 21:5), and they 'are the same yesterday, today, and forever'. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise to Israel in the wilderness, after seeing the mountain burn with fire, and hearing from the midst of the fire the voice speak as God gave the Hebrews the 10 commandments (Ex 20:1-19, Deuteronomy 5:22-29) even Moses did exceeding fear and quake (Heb 12:18-21), for 'The Word of God quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword; piercing to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow'. This verse Heb 4:12, is writing of Christ Jesus, as it says in verse 13, 'And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.' Because 'we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ' (Rom 14:10), God then, further fulfilled His plan for redemption as the Israleites unknowingly laid the stage for God to speak with them, as a Lamb. That in the fullness of time, in the last days, God would speak to us through His Son (Heb 1:2, Deuteronomy 18:15-19). Note how Deuteronomy 18:19 says he will speak in 'the name of YHWH', this is a big deal. And so, He sends His Son, in the likeness of sin-full flesh, to condemn sin in the flesh (Rom 8:3). You see, Christ is the 'radiant glory of God' (Heb 1:3; Rev 21:22-23) and he is 'the exact image' of His person (2 Cor 4:4; Col 1:15) Our God is invisible, Spirit. Christ is the radiant glory of Him, and thus, makes Him known (John 1:18; 14:7, 9 Ezekiel 1:26-28). Perhaps the most convincing proof of this is Revelation 5. Read this chapter carefully, for in it we see a picture of 'The Almighty' in heaven surrounded by His angels, with a book in His hand which none can unlock or look at. Until the Lamb comes, and 'takes the book from His hand'. Who can take something from God Almighty? The answer is in the reaction of all those present and extremely clear, the Lamb IS the Word, and the Word is fully God. And the Word is worshipped as God (Dan 7:13-14) for the word in verse 14 for 'serve' is, in the LXX, is the Greek word for Godly Reverence and service, service due only True Diety, confirming John 20:28) where Thomas calls Jesus 'THE God'. And as God is, so His Word is, He is, was, and will be, True and Faithful, the Amen, yesterday, today, and forevermore. Our Lord be with you,
A unique short answer and my take on this: God's greatest character providence is TRUTH. He is Pure, Holy, Divine, Just, The Alpha and The Omega, "The first and the last". He is Genesis and The Revelation! He is our Creator, He is our atonement, He is our propitiation unto the Lord, He is our Redeemer. Very plainly and direct, Jesus is Truth! AMEN is the 'truly, truly, I tell you pure reality, pure meaning, simply TRUTH! God wants His children to always speak in words of truth! Remember, speaking in lies is an act of sin! And, why? Because..Simply, He is Holy! He is Divine! He is GOD! To me, the word AMEN, is one of the few most important WORDS that God has given us for communication. "..........AMEN!" ~~Andy~~
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