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Why does the Bible say the moon was a 'lesser light', when it simply reflects the light of the Sun?

For example, a mirror reflecting light has no intrinsic light of itself. 

Genesis 1:16

ESV - 16 And God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.

Clarify Share Report Asked February 15 2015 Mini Gary Creel Supporter

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Open uri20141107 19553 1n3bw03 Brian Nelson Supporter Follower of Christ, Husband, Father, Systems Engineer
The Hebrew word for “rule” in these verses is “memshalah,” which means to have dominion. The Hebrew word for “give light” in these verses is “owr” and it means to cause or give light. So, this Hebrew word does not specifically mean that the moon produces its own light for the earth. The moon certainly does give light to the earth—it is the light reflected from the sun. - You can read more about this from a very excellent source, answersingenesis.com

March 29 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Steven Scott Supporter Grader for the Ontario Jail Ministry
Consider how bright the sun is ~ we can go outside and read by this light.
Now consider how brightly the moon reflects the sun's light ~ if we go outside, we cannot read by this light, as it is not sufficient enough. This is less light than the sun itself.

March 28 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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