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Jude 1:6
ESV - 6 And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day -
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What an interesting question! I am so grateful for my Spiritual Leader that has labored and preached countless hours on this subject. The Word of God is revealed here a little and there a little, line upon line. Isa 28:10-13 We have to look in Rev 9:1-11, to discover who is actually chained in the bottomless pit that Saint Jude is speaking of. In vs 1 we see hideous creatures that will be released by the fifth angel of wrath sent by God upon this earth's inhabitants after the "Catching UP" of the Overcomers as described in 1Thes 4:16-18 In vs 11 it plainly states the King of these creatures is Abaddon in the Hebrew tongue. In Hebrew this word means: destroyer angel Lucifer in Hebrew means: In a sense of Brightness, the Morning Star Lucifer is called the prince of the power of the air, Abaddon is chained in the bottomless pit. Eph 2:2 This is not the same individual. Saint Jude was looking through the Spirit of Prophecy, which can look forward or backward in this thing called time, and saw a glimpse of eternity past. An angel called Abaddon rebelled against God and attempted to destroy the things of God. He was so vicious in his rebellion, God, in His Mercy, chained him to the bottomless pit. He will stay there until the Great White Throne Judgement when All Dead will appear before God to be Judged according to their works. Rev 20:11-15. Abaddon is a varied and complex subject. This study is much more than can be answered in a few sentences. I encourage you to read the book "The Missing Link" B.R.Hicks. It is indepth study of God's Word. 2 Tim 3:16-17 Be Blessed Lena
Greetings, brother Michael. On this verse, the apostle Jude referred to those which are generally termed ''fallen angels'', which are ''demons'' now, as it is known that before they fell, they were in a holy and righteous state (see 2 Peter 2:4 as well). The context of this text also indicates that the apostle was giving examples of matters which were already known, for the awareness that condemnation is real and falls upon those who are sinful. I hope I've helped (my answer is open for refutation, though).
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