Psalm 44:9-22
But you have s rejected us and disgraced us
and t have not gone out with our armies.
You have made us u turn back from the foe,
and those who hate us have gotten spoil.
You have made us like v sheep for slaughter
and have w scattered us among the nations.
x You have sold your people for a trifle,
demanding no high price for them.
You have made us y the taunt of our neighbors,
the derision and z scorn of those around us.
You have made us a a byword among the nations,
b a laughingstock among the peoples.
All day long my disgrace is before me,
and c shame has covered my face
at the sound of the taunter and reviler,
at the sight of d the enemy and the avenger.
e All this has come upon us,
though we have not forgotten you,
and we have not been false to your covenant.
Our heart has not turned back,
nor have our f steps g departed from your way;
yet you have h broken us in the place of i jackals
and covered us with j the shadow of death.
If we had forgotten the name of our God
or k spread out our hands to l a foreign god,
m would not God discover this?
n For he knows the secrets of the heart.
Yet o for your sake we are killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.
Cross References
Psalms 44:23
Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord? Rouse your...
Psalms 43:2
For you are the God in whom I take refuge; why ...
Psalms 60:1
O God, you have rejected us, broken our defense...
Psalms 60:10
Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go ...
Psalms 74:1
O God, why do you cast us off forever? Why does...
Psalms 108:11
Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go ...
Psalms 89:38 - 45
But now you have cast off and rejected; you are...
Cross References
Judges 4:14
And Deborah said to Barak, "Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hand. Does not the Lord go out before you?" So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him.
2 Samuel 5:24
And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then rouse yourself, for then the Lord has gone out before you to strike down the army of the Philistines.
Cross References
Leviticus 26:17
I will set my face against you, and you shall be struck down before your enemies. Those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you.
Deuteronomy 28:25
The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them. And you shall be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.
Joshua 7:8
O Lord, what can I say, when Israel has turned their backs before their enemies!
Joshua 7:12
Therefore the people of Israel cannot stand before their enemies. They turn their backs before their enemies, because they have become devoted for destruction. I will be with you no more, unless you destroy the devoted things from among you.
Cross References
Psalms 44:22
Yet for your sake we are killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.
Cross References
Psalms 106:27
And would make their offspring fall among the n...
Leviticus 26:33
And I will scatter you among the nations, and I...
Deuteronomy 4:27
And the Lord will scatter you among the peoples...
Deuteronomy 28:64
And the Lord will scatter you among all peoples...
Isaiah 52:3
For thus says the Lord : "You were sold for not...
Ezekiel 20:23
Moreover, I swore to them in the wilderness tha...
John 7:35
The Jews said to one another, "Where does this ...
1 Peter 1:1
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who...
Cross References
Deuteronomy 32:30
How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up?
Judges 2:14
So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he gave them over to plunderers, who plundered them. And he sold them into the hand of their surrounding enemies, so that they could no longer withstand their enemies.
Judges 3:8
Therefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia. And the people of Israel served Cushan-rishathaim eight years.
Jeremiah 15:13
Your wealth and your treasures I will give as spoil, without price, for all your sins, throughout all your territory.
Cross References
Psalms 39:8
Deliver me from all my transgressions. Do not make me the scorn of the fool!
Psalms 79:4
We have become a taunt to our neighbors, mocked and derided by those around us.
Psalms 89:41
All who pass by plunder him; he has become the scorn of his neighbors.
Psalms 119:22
Take away from me scorn and contempt, for I have kept your testimonies.
Nehemiah 2:17
Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.
Cross References
Psalms 80:6
You make us an object of contention for our neighbors, and our enemies laugh among themselves.
Cross References
Jeremiah 24:9
I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a reproach, a byword, a taunt, and a curse in all the places where I shall drive them.
Job 17:6
He has made me a byword of the peoples, and I am one before whom men spit.
Cross References
Job 16:4
I also could speak as you do, if you were in my place; I could join words together against you and shake my head at you.
Cross References
2 Chronicles 32:21
And the Lord sent an angel, who cut off all the mighty warriors and commanders and officers in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he came into the house of his god, some of his own sons struck him down there with the sword.
Cross References
Psalms 8:2
Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.
Cross References
Daniel 9:13
As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this calamity has come upon us; yet we have not entreated the favor of the Lord our God, turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by your truth.
Cross References
Psalms 37:31
The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.
Cross References
Psalms 119:51
The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from your law.
Psalms 119:157
Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, but I do not swerve from your testimonies.
Job 23:11
My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside.
Cross References
Psalms 51:8
Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice.
Cross References
Job 30:29
I am a brother of jackals and a companion of ostriches.
Cross References
Job 3:5
Let gloom and deep darkness claim it. Let clouds dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.
Cross References
Psalms 68:31
Nobles shall come from Egypt; Cush shall hasten to stretch out her hands to God.
Job 11:13
If you prepare your heart, you will stretch out your hands toward him.
Cross References
Psalms 81:9
There shall be no strange god among you; you shall not bow down to a foreign god.
Cross References
Psalms 139:1
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
Jeremiah 17:10
"I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds."
Cross References
John 2:25
And needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.
Hebrews 4:13
And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Cross References
Psalms 44:11
You have made us like sheep for slaughter and have scattered us among the nations.
Romans 8:36
As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.
English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.