Leviticus 16:13-16
o and put the incense on the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of the incense may cover p the mercy seat that is over the testimony, so that he does not die.
And q he shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the front of the mercy seat on the east side, and in front of the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.
r "Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people and bring its blood s inside the veil and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bull, sprinkling it over the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat.
Thus he shall t make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleannesses of the people of Israel and because of their transgressions, all their sins. And so he shall do for the tent of meeting, which dwells with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.
Cross References
Exodus 30:1
You shall make an altar on which to burn incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.
Exodus 30:7 - 8
And Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it. Every morning when he dresses the lamps he shall burn it.
Cross References
Exodus 25:21
And you shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony that I shall give you.
Cross References
Hebrews 9:13
For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh.
Hebrews 9:25
Nor was it to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters the holy places every year with blood not his own.
Hebrews 10:4
For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
Leviticus 4:5 - 6
And the anointed priest shall take some of the blood of the bull and bring it into the tent of meeting.
Cross References
Hebrews 2:17
Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Hebrews 5:1
For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.
Hebrews 9:7
But into the second only the high priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people.
Cross References
Leviticus 16:2
And the Lord said to Moses, "Tell Aaron your brother not to come at any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the mercy seat that is on the ark, so that he may not die. For I will appear in the cloud over the mercy seat.
Hebrews 6:19
We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.
Hebrews 9:3
Behind the second curtain was a second section called the Most Holy Place.
Hebrews 9:7
But into the second only the high priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people.
Cross References
Leviticus 16:18
Then he shall go out to the altar that is before the Lord and make atonement for it, and shall take some of the blood of the bull and some of the blood of the goat, and put it on the horns of the altar all around.
Exodus 29:36
And every day you shall offer a bull as a sin offering for atonement. Also you shall purify the altar, when you make atonement for it, and shall anoint it to consecrate it.
Ezekiel 45:18
Thus says the Lord God : In the first month, on the first day of the month, you shall take a bull from the herd without blemish, and purify the sanctuary.
Hebrews 9:22 - 23
Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.