2 Corinthians 4:12-15
So w death is at work in us, but life in you.
Since we have x the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, y "I believed, and so I spoke," we also believe, and so we also speak,
knowing that z he who raised the Lord Jesus a will raise us also with Jesus and b bring us with you into his presence.
For c it is all for your sake, so that as d grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, e to the glory of God.
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2 Corinthians 13:9
For we are glad when we are weak and you are strong. Your restoration is what we pray for.
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1 Corinthians 12:9
To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit.
2 Peter 1:1
Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:
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Psalms 116:10
I believed, even when I spoke, "I am greatly afflicted".
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Psalms 116:10
I believed, even when I spoke, "I am greatly afflicted".
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1 Thessalonians 4:14
For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.
Acts 2:24
God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.
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2 Corinthians 1:9
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.
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Jude 1:24
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy.
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2 Corinthians 1:6
If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer.
Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
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2 Corinthians 1:11
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.
2 Corinthians 9:11 - 12
You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.
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2 Corinthians 8:19
And not only that, but he has been appointed by the churches to travel with us as we carry out this act of grace that is being ministered by us, for the glory of the Lord himself and to show our good will.
English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.