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Easton's Bible Dictionary

Anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word rendered "Messiah" (q.v.), the official title of our Lord, occurring five hundred and fourteen times in the New Testament. It denotes that he was...

Baptism of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Christ had to be formally inaugurated into the public discharge of his offices. For this purpose he came to John, who was the representative of the law and the prophets, that by him he might be...

Azur and Azzur

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Helper. (1.) The father of Hananiah, a false prophet (Jer 28:1). (2.) The father of Jaazaniah (Ezek 11:1). (3.) One of those who sealed the covenant with Jehovah on the return from Babylon (Neh...

Humiliation of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Phil 2:8), seen in (1) his birth (Gal 4:4; Luke 2:7; John 1:46; Heb 2:9), (2) his circumstances, (3) his reputation (Isa 53; Matt 26:59, 67 Ps 22:6; Matt 26:68), (4) his soul (Ps 22:1; Matt 4:1-11...

Resurrection of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

One of the cardinal facts and doctrines of the gospel. If Christ be not risen, our faith is vain (1 Cor 15:14). The whole of the New Testament revelation rests on this as an historical fact. On the...

Intercession of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Christ's priestly office consists of these two parts, (1) the offering up of himself as a sacrifice, and (2) making continual intercession for us. When on earth he made intercession for his people...

Revelation of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

The second advent of Christ. Three different Greek words are used by the apostles to express this, (1) apokalupsis (1 Cor 1, 7 2 Thess 1:7; 1 Pet 1:7, 13); (2) parousia (Matt 24:3, 27 1 Thess 2:19;...

Tryphena and Tryphosa

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Two female Christians, active workers, whom Paul salutes in his epistle to the Romans (16:12).

Castor and Pollux

Easton's Bible Dictionary

The "Dioscuri", two heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. Their figures were probably painted or sculptured on the prow of the ship which Luke refers to (Acts 28:11). They were regarded as the...

Coming of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

(1) with reference to his first advent "in the fulness of the time" (1 John 5:20; 2 John 1:7), or (2) with reference to his coming again the second time at the last day (Acts 1:11; 3:20, 21 1 Thess...

Kingly office of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

One of the three special relations in which Christ stands to his people. Christ's office as mediator comprehends three different functions, viz., those of a prophet, priest, and king. These are not...

Nativity of Christ

Easton's Bible Dictionary

The birth of our Lord took place at the time and place predicted by the prophets (Gen 49:10; Isa 7:14; Jer 31:15; Micah 5:2; Hag 2:6-9; Dan 9:24, 25). Joseph and Mary were providentially led to go...

Jachin and Boaz

Easton's Bible Dictionary

The names of two brazen columns set up in Solomon's temple (1 Kings 7:15-22). Each was eighteen cubits high and twelve in circumference (Jer 52:21, 23 1 Kings 7:17-21). They had doubtless a...

By and by

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Immediately (Matt 13:21; R.V., "straightway;" Luke 21:9).

Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Stood in the midst of the garden of Eden, beside the tree of life (Gen 2, 3). Adam and Eve were forbidden to take of the fruit which grew upon it. But they disobeyed the divine injunction, and so...