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Results: 4180

Does Nehemiah 4:4-5 contradict Matthew 5:44?

Nehemiah prayed that God would not overlook the actions of antagonists.

May 12 2015 2 Answers

How can we grow in generosity?

May 04 2022 2 Answers

Who can be as "perfect" as God? (Matthew 5:48)

June 14 2021 2 Answers

According to Jesus, who Is our neighbor?

Romans 13:8 - 14

See especially Romans 13:8-9

September 01 2021 2 Answers

How long did it take to write the Bible?

July 13 2015 2 Answers

Who are the "enemies" the Lord Jesus Christ is referring to in Matthew 5:44?

Matthew 5:44

4 Votes October 06 2014

What did Jesus say about His second coming?

2 Votes April 22 2014 1 Answer

Who was Herod? (Acts 12:1)

Acts 12:1 - 5

"About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in the church" (Acts 12:1).

December 19 2020 2 Answers

Must we give up everything we own for the "kingdom"? (Matthew 13:44–46)

44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all...

November 10 2019 2 Answers

Is the deity of Christ Biblical?

1 Vote July 01 2013 2 Answers

What does the Bible say about ambition?

2 Votes July 01 2013 2 Answers

How should we apply these instructions today in Ezekiel 44:20-23?

Ezekiel 44:1 - 31

Ezekiel 44:20 They shall not shave their heads or l let their locks grow long; they shall surely trim the hair of their heads. 21 No priest shall drink wine...

October 11 2022 2 Answers

Why would the Gerasene people beg Jesus to leave their region after He cast the demons into the pigs?

Mark 5:1 - 20

Luke 8:26-39

1 Vote October 24 2014 2 Answers

How can we live peacefully with all men?

2 Corinthians 13:11

August 09 2017 1 Answer

Why is Jesus called the stumbling stone in Matthew 21:43-44?

Matthew 21:43 - 44

7 Votes July 01 2013 2 Answers

Was Jesus crucified in the third hour or the sixth hour? Mark 15:25 (cf. John 19:14)

Even Luke's account includes this difference: Mark 15:25 It was the third hour when they crucified Him. Luke 23:44 It was now about the sixth hour, and...

December 27 2021 1 Answer

Who was this Herod who was smitten and killed by an angel in Acts 12:23?

Acts 12:23

2 Votes June 25 2015 2 Answers

What does Matthew mean when he says, "meaningless repetition"?

Matthew 6:7

1 Vote April 27 2021 2 Answers

What is the order of Christ's appearances after His resurrection?

John 20:11 - 18

1 Vote April 03 2021 1 Answer

What is the significance of the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem?

December 18 2015 1 Answer

In the Bible what are some symbols of divine judgment?

Psalms 120:2

Psalm 38:2 2Your arrows have pierced me, and your hand has come down on me. Psalm 120:4 4He will punish you with a warrior's sharp arrows, with burning coals...

April 27 2019 2 Answers

What time of day was the ninth hour?

Acts 3:1 - 26

1 Vote May 07 2013 2 Answers

Why does Christ tell us to buy from him gold, white clothing and eye salve?

Revelation 3:18

Can't we simply pray and ask him for these things?How can we buy anything from Christ? Isn't the general idea to freely give what we have freely received?

1 Vote July 08 2016 1 Answer

How do we respond to Jehovah's Witnesses who claim that Jesus could not be God because God cannot die?

October 29 2020 1 Answer

What is Holy Tuesday?

September 08 2015 1 Answer

What are the conditions for being able to enter into the kingdom of God?

John 3:3

John 3:3, 5; etc.

February 29 2020 4 Answers

Did Jesus eat pork?

2 Votes November 08 2014 2 Answers

What is a mantle in the Bible?

December 14 2013 1 Answer

What does it mean that 'the Lord said to my Lord'?

Psalms 110:1

2 Votes August 05 2016 1 Answer

Who arranged the order of the New Testament books and and is the order important?

Matthew 1:1 - 25

4 Votes August 22 2017 1 Answer

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