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Results: 8326

Is there anyone who doesn’t have a beginning of days or end of life (apart from the Holy Trinity)?

Hebrews 7:3

Hebrews 7:8 indicates that Melchizedek lives. Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives (Hebrews 7:8...

May 11 2020 2 Answers

What are some common themes within Hebrews 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?

1 Vote July 10 2022 2 Answers

What was Jesus' purpose?

2 Votes December 27 2013 2 Answers

Do the Psalms point to events in the life of Jesus?

1 Vote August 25 2015 1 Answer

What are some Scriptural names for Christ (Matthew 1:21, etc.)?

December 13 2019 2 Answers

Which psalms predict the coming of Jesus Christ?

August 25 2015 1 Answer

What does the Bible say about angels?

3 Votes July 01 2013 1 Answer

What does it mean that Jesus and believers are living stones in 1 Peter 2:4-5?

1 Peter 2:4 - 5

3 Votes July 01 2013 3 Answers

What does the Bible say about tough love?

3 Votes July 01 2013 1 Answer

What is commanded of believers?

I.e. what is commanded of Christians, other than praying and worshipping God?

December 26 2019 4 Answers

What is the humanity of Christ?

John 1:1 - 14

How can we know that Jesus was truly human? John 1:1-14 may give us the general idea, but are there specifics?

April 04 2020 2 Answers

How is the church the Body of Christ?

1 Vote July 01 2013 1 Answer

What does the Bible say about self-denial?

October 07 2021 2 Answers

What are all the names for God and Jesus?

1 Vote April 27 2022 3 Answers

What is process theology?

July 01 2013 1 Answer

What is the book of Hebrews?

Hebrews 1:1

1 Vote November 15 2013 2 Answers

What was the Levitical priesthood?

April 23 2014 1 Answer

What is an heir in the Bible?

April 23 2014 1 Answer

What is koinonia?

1 Vote July 01 2013 1 Answer

What does it mean that Jesus was a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7)?

Psalms 8:5

1 Vote December 02 2013 1 Answer

What are the biblical principles for solid decision-making?

4 Votes July 01 2013 1 Answer

Who is the "lower" according to Psalm 8:5, man or angels?

Psalms 8:3 - 9

Psalm 8:5 says God has made man a little lower than angels. Does that mean angels are above man?

2 Votes January 17 2019 4 Answers

What is pedagogy?

October 21 2015 1 Answer

Where did Enoch and Elijah go?

John 3:13

"No man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man" (John 3:13).

July 14 2020 2 Answers

What are the ways to keep my fire burning to serve the Lord?

July 19 2019 1 Answer

Which authors of the gospels were not apostles?

1 Vote September 05 2014 1 Answer

What is the dispensation of Conscience?

2 Votes July 01 2013 2 Answers

Is the epistle to the Hebrews addressed to Christians?

I'm interested in getting the whole range of rationale as to why or why not. Example points might be "No, because he has to differentiate the Son of God from...

1 Vote March 13 2014 2 Answers

What are angels and what is their significance in our life?

2 Votes June 16 2016 3 Answers

How many Israelites left Egypt in the exodus?

October 04 2018 2 Answers

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