What does it mean that Christ was delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God?

Does this mean God only knew it would happen, or that he had planned it?

Acts 2:23

ESV - 23 This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.

Clarify Share Report Asked January 24 2014 Mini Anonymous

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie Supporter Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
God's determinate counsel in delivering Christ to die as a sacrifice on man's behalf includes many parts of His character: God's wisdom, power, virtue, mercy, love, wrath against sin, etc.

'Determinate' in Acts 2:23 is the greek 'horizo' (where we derive the english 'horizon'). This refers to God limiting or 'horizoning' all aspects of Creation and the plan of salvation. [While in english the word 'determine' might seem like destiny or forcing an action, the greek 'horizó' is to limit or to bound.]

God set up the scene (creation, physical laws of nature), spiritual laws (justice, mercy, the punishment for sin, etc), the players (angels, man), the plan of salvation (redemption via the blood of Christ for those who believe), etc [Psa 139:16, Jn 1:3, Jon 1:9, Psa 95:5, Acts 4:24, Rom 6:23, Prov 10:16, Neh 9:6, II Kings 19:15, Is 63:5, Heb 2:10, etc.] This was all by the power and decree of God, such as "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3, II Cor 4:6, John 1:9).

As sovereign king, all of God's subjects are under the physical limits and spiritual laws that God has put into place. God is true Sovereign: He can delegate tasks, punish sin, work evil for good, place limits, etc. God is active, nations rising and falling at His purpose, and the eternal plan enacted by His counsel. 

[See the related topic https://ebible.com/questions/3317-how-does-god-s-sovereignty-work-together-with-free-will#answer-17091 for more on God's sovereignty and how God allows men free (albeit limited) operation under His rule].

As for God's counsel or resolved plan, God determined by His own will that salvation would come through Christ alone, and that only through faith in Christ could man be reconciled to God. This meant that Christ would have to suffer and die for us [Acts 3:18, Heb 2, II Cor 5:18-19]. This was not something men thought of, would have thought of, or could achieve by their own power, but rather was God Himself reaching out to man. God in His wisdom determined that He would chose a people for Himself, not by works or ethnicity, but by faith in Christ (Acts 2:23, Gal 3:28, Rom 3:22.) He determined He would choose both Jew and Gentile (John 10:16, Rom 11.) He determined that His own right arm would bring salvation (Is 63:5.) Scripture often references God as having planned something, then bringing it to pass (Is 37:25-27, Gen 50:20, Gen 41:32, Is 46:11).

Jesus had to die via God's plan/foreknowledge/counsel that salvation would come through Christ. Hence, Christ was delivered by the plan of God over to men who put him to death (Acts 4:27-29, Acts 2:23, Luke 22:22). Jesus willingly submitted to the Father’s will in this (Heb 5:7-9, Phil 2:5-8.) 

Foreknowledge and God's will/counsel/purpose/resolve/plan go hand-in-hand. God by His foreknowledge and counsel set the process by which men are saved; faith in Christ (Jn 3:16, Jn 6:29.) God makes known the end from the beginning; He is outside of time (Is 46:10.) He created time for His gracious purpose regarding man, that they might come to repentance and be saved through faith (Tit 1:1-3, Eph 2:5-8, Rom 2:4, I Pet 1:10-12, Heb 1:1-3.)

Often in scripture the concepts of God's foreknowledge and determination are combined, such as in the term 'predestined'.

[For a more detailed examination of foreknowledge, predestination, and election, see the related eBible topics https://ebible.com/questions/3273-how-are-predestination-and-election-connected-with-foreknowledge#answer-16960
and https://ebible.com/questions/265-what-is-predestination-is-predestination-biblical#answer-15328]

In summary, God both set-up the way for man to be reconciled to God through Christ, and knew exactly how it would play out. Christ was born at the opportune moment in history for the plan to be enacted and prophecies fulfilled, just as He will return once more at the opportune time to bring salvation to those who wait for Him (Heb 9:27-28). Even men engaged in the grossest wickedness cannot thwart or overturn the plan of God.

January 04 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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