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Why do some people support homosexuality?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 24 2013 Mini Anonymous

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10154324 660559607325867 601417579 n Paul Bayne Business Owner, Husband and Father of Four Kids & Blogger
For the last twenty or so years, the gay agenda has been fighting and pushing itself onto society. In movies, TV, sports and music, that's all we have heard. We have been inundated with their lifestyle and carefree attitudes and as a society, we have come to accept them. It was inevitable. Push something on someone long enough and eventually they will get used to it. 

Hitler's men used this tactic to train their soldiers. They would expose them to all that was horrific, grotesque and violent and at first many of them vomited over what they saw. Eventually though, they got used to it. Look at horror movies from thirty years ago and compare them to today's standards. Quite a difference, eh? 

Homosexuality has been forced on us from every side, that's why most of people have a very hard time speaking against just feels wrong to do. BUT...homosexuality is wrong. It is a perversion of God's commands and natural way of producing and sustaining life. It's the ultimate in selfishness and one can see the shift in gender roles now because of this juggernaut. Men are fast resembling women and women are quickly resembling men. The whole thing has been turned on its head by the gay agenda and it's only going to get worse.

To support homosexuals is to put yourself in a direct line with God's fury.

February 06 2014 7 responses Vote Up Share Report

Doktor D W Supporter
Some support abnormal behavior such as homosexuality because they are deceived. They are being led by satan, not by God. They will continue in deception until they embrace faith in Jesus as Savior, then no doubt there will be a recovery process. We Christians must pray for all persons who are engaged in abnormal behavior.

September 24 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Shomer
In my humble opinion, I submit that the intelligentsia media complex has done it's deception job well, aided by an active and vocal minority within it's ranks.
Ezekiel 16:49

Consider that just by bowing at their altar, one gets to sit with and be at the cool kids superior table of coolness with treasures and baubles for all!
Cured of all your prior transgressions of hate, bigotry and sick mind homophobic reasoning, you are welcomed with open arms and a watchful eye.

After all what peculiar person would willing choose to be the man left out or be the odd duck, but someone who labors under a misguided alliance of sorts?

That said, it's our duty to help those who would exit this system of abnormal behavior, but many will choose to stay and that's their choice. Mark 7:22

But it's not our duty to join their cheer leading squad poms poms in hand and celebrate their active open rebellion! Zephaniah 2:10

In the Lord's freedom...............warrior on

February 06 2014 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Neal Pyle
The second commandment states that you should not commit idolatry. I believe that we as humans have a way of creating a god in our mind that we are comfortable with, that is ok with our sins. I believe that is what people that support homosexuality do! They create a god who is ok with homosexuality to take away conviction of their sin. The God of the bible is clearly NOT ok with that sin!

June 30 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Helena Jones
I support hope, life, and human life.  As long as an individual who considers themselves to be a homosexual is alive & breathing there is hope that we can get them to change their minds about their chosen lifestyle.  Not that I support homosexuality.

September 24 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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