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Dianne Joubert

Medical Practice Manager
My name is Dianne Joubert. I am a sinner, saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. I believed l was always a Christian, but at age 22, l developed a personal relationship with Jesus, yet was on milk for many years. My solids were introduced at age 36,  after the death of my eldest son. My relationship with Christ became something, that meant something else - That Jesus Christ is real, that life and death and eternity exists, no matter what you may think or believe, ignore or deny. Without the knowledge and belief in Jesus Christ, the courage to survive my loss would not have been possible. I was baptized by immersion at the Brackenfell Baptist Church in that same year.
I was born into Catholism, and at age 10 my father died and my mother who never conformed to Catholism instantly removed my siblings and l to join her denomination the Apostolic Faith Mission. Well, l am eternally grateful for that spiritual move. I cannot imagine life without Jesus. I cannot imagine not being guided by the Holy Spirit. I cannot imagine that l will not be serving God eternally. I cannot imagine not having His Word to read and breathe. Today l am a servant unto The Lord at the Family Baptist Church, Brackenfell, Cape Town. I, as a believer also cry out ' Lord, forgive my unbelief...' I love The Lord God with all my heart, my mind and strength. I would not swap my cross that l bear for another's . I am where l am, at the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons - because l believe that is exactly where God wants me to be. 
My position of employment allows me to listen and to share the Gospel at every possible opportunity. I witness Illness and sadness and joy on a regular basis at the surgery and l pray that l forever will abide in Him, - My Lord, My Saviour, My Jesus, My God!  

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What does it mean in Hebrews 12:14, "... without holiness no one will see the Lord"?

What exactly is this "holiness" and how can we have it since we need it to be...

Hebrews 12:14

14 Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

Comment 8 Answers 1 Vote Asked February 01 2017


What does it mean in Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28 that 'young men will have dreams and old men will have visions?'


Joel 2:28

28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

Comment 2 Answers Asked August 31 2015