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Donna Bender

Donna bender, mother of two, retired RN, Author:, Minister
I was born in Chicago in 1955. I was raised Roman Catholic. I went to college at the University of Northern Colorado to become an RN.  While there, I first came to question the belief I was raised in. It was not until I was 24 years old that I was first introduced to the Scriptures through the way ministry. That was in 1979. I have since disaffiliated with the way ministry, However my interest in the Scriptures has only increased. I write research essays regarding the Word of God And send them to members of my family, about one letter per month. I was forcibly retired from nursing In 2007 Due to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. I have sense of third one novel. The title of it is, Secrets from the Forest Floor. My two children are grown and in college. I have remained very close with them. I remain busy on a daily basis serving God by taking care of my husband and my aging parents Despite my own handicap

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Should Christians celebrate Christmas?

Jesus Christ was born on September 11th of three BC. The date can be...

1 Comments 19 More Answers 11 Votes Asked October 22 2013