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Ann Wood

Retired widow.
I was raised a Catholic and sent to their schools for years. When I graduated that was the end of any church life. I went into the world of the occult for over 30 years. I tried to end my life and ended up having my car taken out of my control and driving me to a bible believing group of people where I found the bible and new life. Satan did not give up and Once again my life was on the line from a horrendous car accident.....but was miraculously saved as five surgeons put me back together again. One of the surgeons told me they all heard a voice in the operating room say......leave her she belongs to me!  They did their job however and I am alive and totally committed my life to Jesus from that episode forward. I belonged in hell.....but the Lord had other plans. Praise His Holy Name.

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What is the point of living if a person like me is predestined to hell?

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