What does the Bible say about lying? Is lying a sin?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The Bible is clear that lying is a sin and is displeasing to God. The first sin in this world involved a lie told to Eve. The Ten Commandments given to Moses includes "You shall not bear false witn...

July 01 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie Supporter Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
The Biblical idea (and jewish idea) of lying were somewhat different from the catch-all modern definition.

For example, for a jew, it was actually impolite and cruel to tell a friend "you made a bad purchase", even if they had. The duty of love towards a friend trumped cold 'truthfulness', and one was to compliment the purchase. [Advice before the purchase was perfectly acceptable].

This is why it is not only important to understand the culture and context of scripture as written [ie the difference between false witness and a lie in general, or how a lie was defined in Bible times], but it is of even more importance to subject everything to the moral law.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself". (Mark 12:29-31)

On this hangs all the law and the prophets. (Matt 22:34-37)

So, is a lie intending to harm your neighbor? Then it is a malicious lie. Is it intended for the benefit and love of your neighbor (such as the surprise party) or to protect the innocent? Then it is not a "lie" of the type the Bible condemns. 

Furthermore, there are many times in the Bible where people (or spirits) acting on behalf of God, used deception as a means to an end. It was not automatically considered wrong, and is even commended at times:

(Ex 1:15-22, II Kings 10:18-31, Exodus 8:20-28, 1 Sam 16:1-13, II Chron 18:18-22, James 2:25, Judges 4:18-22, etc)

What then, is the different between a deception that is commended, and a lie to be utterly condemned? Scripture condemns as lies such things as:

False witness in court (Deut 19:15-21):
This is a severe form of lie, as a person's life, future, or reputation could hang in the balance. Any mistruth in a court of law is never acceptable. (Although, as Jesus showed, one could remain silent (Mark 14:57-64), and as Paul showed, one could tailor one's argument to the court rather than directly answer questions (Acts 23:26). Jesus is perhaps the best example of being indirect and avoiding direct answers, preferring to get to the heart of issues, as he often answered questions with yet another question).

False rumors, slander, gossip:
(Ex 23:1, Lev 19:16, Prov 26:22, Jer 9:4-6): This includes any lies or exaggerations done under the cover of 'prayer requests' or 'concern'. It is better not to bring something up at all the facts of the case could be misconstrued, or of telling the matter is going to lead to the tale spreading rather than reconciliation. (Prov 11:13)

Malicious lies: Lies deliberately done to harm another person - whether to hurt their reputation, or just to hurt them, such as belittling sarcasm. (I Cor 13:6, Eph 4:32, Isaiah 59:3, Prov 26:26)

Distorted perception and action:
(Ex 32:7-10, Isaiah 5:20-23, Rom 1:21-32)
When our hearts harden to God's truth and light, then our vision becomes distorted, and our actions eventually become more and more depraved.

Lies to deceive into error: 
(Gen 3:1-7, Isaiah 5:18-19, Jer 9:8, Titus 1:10-11, Matt 24:24)

Lies of false image/hypocrisy:
(Matt 6:5, Matt 6:16, Matt 23:28)

It really, then, comes down to a matter of the heart and subjection to God. Truth remains truth, but as Jesus points out to Satan, it is the higher truth, the eternal truth that matters. Temporal truths only stem from the eternal - not the other way around. In none of the numerous biblical examples was temporal truth changed (The spies really were under Rahab's straw, we might say the midwives were lying through their teeth to pharoah, Jehu's plan to slaughter the prophets of Baal was quite opposite from his stated plan to worship Baal, etc]. Yet, the temporal took a back seat in view of God and the eternal plan.

As such, if someone lies to protect someone else's life from an unjust genocide, or uses tact, or throws a surprise party - they are still following the Royal Law. Their heart is towards God and towards each other.

June 16 2014 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini BJ Mo Supporter A continuing Disciple of God's Word!!!
These verses pretty much say it all, God not only hates lying, but He considers it an abomination!

Proverbs 6:16-18
16 These six things doth the Lord hate:
yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 a proud look, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief,

July 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Imag0495 Lynn Willis Supporter Obedient Daughter of the High King of the Universe
I think this is pretty obvious from scripture in all candor but here is what comes to my mind...

First there is the 10 Commandments about not bearing false witness... that's lying and it is definitely a no-no.

Then what I recall the most about lying is Proverbs 6 and John 8:

Proverbs 6:
12 A worthless person, a wicked man, 
goes about with crooked speech, 
13 winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, 
points with his finger, 
14 with a perverted heart devises evil, 
continually sowing discord; 
15 therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; 
in a moment he will be broken beyond healing. 

16 There are six things that the Lord hates, 
seven that are an abomination to him: 
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, 
and hands that shed innocent blood, 
18 a heart that devises wicked plans, 
feet that make haste to run to evil, 
19 a false witness who breathes out lies, 
and one who sows discord among brothers. 

And John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

I don't think there is anywhere in scripture that advises us to be like the devil in any way shape or manner! In fact, our way is the truthful way for Jesus IS truth and the truth WILL set you free!

So definitely YES lying IS a major sin!

in HIM,

November 01 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
The first lie in the early church that was made a public example was that of Ananias and Saphira. Ananias was a devotee at Jerusalem, spouse of Sapphira. (Acts 5:1-11) having sold his merchandise to help the congregation he held back a portion of the value, bringing to the missionaries the rest of in the event that it was the entire, his better half being aware of the plan. 

Another source said that Ananias was a supporter at Jerusalem and spouse of Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10). He and his significant other sold their property, and provided for the basic asset of the congregation part of the cash, feigning as if it was the entirety. At the point when his bad faith was reprimanded by Peter, Ananias tumbled down dead; and after 3 hours his significant other met a similar fate. The accompanying focuses are of interest. (1) The story promptly follows the record of the serious thoughtfulness of the devotees bringing about an asset, to which Barnabas had made a liberal commitment (Acts 4:32-37). Ananias and Saphira were double-dealing. The more brilliant the light, the more obscure the shadow. (2) The wrongdoing of Ananias comprised, not in his holding a section, but rather in his professing to give the entirety. He was under no obligation to give all, for the socialism of the early church was not total, but rather absolutely deliberate (see particularly Acts 5:4) Falsehood and deception ("lie to the Holy Spirit" Acts 5:3), instead of veracity, were the wrongdoings for which he was so seriously rebuffed. (3) The seriousness of the Judgment can be legitimized by the thought that the demonstration was "the main open endeavor of intentional evil" (Meyer) inside the congregation. 

In Acts 4:32-35, the devotees sell their assets and openly share with one another. In Acts 4:36-37, we have a genuine guide to follow. A faithful adherent named Barnabas is singled out to act as an illustration of this conciliatory sharing. The in ACTS 5 Ananias and Sapphira untruth, and God takes them out. 

Ananias and Sapphira both consented to a deceptive exchange! They were not constrained to sell their property but since of a perceived custom among the early Christian brotherhood of having one regular asset to draw upon, these 2 followers needed to keep up the presence of self-denying generosity. There was no damage in holding back a piece of the value—they may have held back ALL. Their fiendish conspiracy comprised in claiming to give ALL Their lying was joined with deception. A CERTAIN part was held, likely the larger part which would look more like the entirety.

Besides all this New Testament above, listen to the Old :

Proverbs 26:18-19
The Message
18-19: "People who shrug off deliberate deceptions,
saying, 'I didn’t mean it, I was only joking,'
Are worse than careless campers
who walk away from smoldering campfires."

The most relevant verses about lying are these (from knowing-jesus):

Proverbs 24:28: 
Do not be a witness against your neighbor without cause,
And do not deceive with your lips.

Colossians 3:9: 
Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices.

Exodus 23:1: 
“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."

Exodus 20:16 (also Deuteronomy 5:20):
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

Matthew 15:19: 
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.

Psalm 55:23: 
But You, O God, will bring them down to the pit of destruction;
Men of bloodshed and deceit will not live out half their days.
But I will trust in You.

Revelation 21:8: 
"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Proverbs 12:22: 
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
But those who deal faithfully are His delight.

November 27 2020 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

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