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John 19:1
NKJV - 1 So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him.
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The only mention of Jesus' flogging does not list a number. Based off the surrounding scripture, however, it would appear that the Roman scourging would far exceed the Jewish limit of 39 lashes. See Matthew 27:26 and Mark 15:15. The commentary on the matter says: "The Greek term φραγελλόω (fragellow) refers to flogging. BDAG 1064 s.v. states, “flog, scourge, a punishment inflicted on slaves and provincials after a sentence of death had been pronounced on them. So in the case of Jesus before the crucifixion…Mt 27:26; Mk 15:15.” A Roman flogging (traditionally, “scourging”) was an excruciating punishment. The victim was stripped of his clothes and bound to a post with his hands fastened above him (or sometimes he was thrown to the ground). Guards standing on either side of the victim would incessantly beat him with a whip (flagellum) made out of leather with pieces of lead and bone inserted into its ends. While the Jews only allowed 39 lashes, the Romans had no such limit; many people who received such a beating died as a result. See C. Schneider, TDNT, 515-19."
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