Were Eldad and Medad not qualified to prophesy?
ESV - 28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the assistant of Moses from his youth, said, "My lord Moses, stop them.
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It's a good question. Although Eldad and Medad were among the registered seventy elders (v. 26), for some reason they failed to go to the tent of meeting with the rest of the elders and remained in the camp. But the Spirit knowing these two to be among the elders rested on them and they started to prophesy. When Joshua heard that there are two other men in the camp, outside of those gathered around the tent, who are prophesying, he became jealous that "outsiders" are also prophesying. He may have not realized that Eldan and Medad were also elders or that his jealous nature of not wanting these outsiders to practice the special privilege. This is very similar to Jesus' disciples asking him whether to stop those who are casting demons Jesus away in Mark 9:38. But Moses' answer reveal the amount of burden he had carried in leading the whole nation. Hopefully this makes sense.
Eldad and Medad, who, although summoned with their brethren, did not come to the assembly at the Tabernacle. They may have been absent from their tents when the papyrus letter was delivered, and would not be quickly found in the vast camp. Be this as it may, what followed is evidence that they did not wilfully disobey the summons, and that their absence was not due to any bad motive. For some reason unknown to us they failed to put in an appearance at the critical time, when others of the elect were receiving the mysterious but efficient grace of the Spirit. Yet, at one and the same moment, they also were inspired while walking together, as they probably were doing, in some far-off part of the camp. To the amazement of the people, and doubtless to their own amazement too, they suddenly began to prophesy, and crowds of listeners quickly gathered round them, as on Pentecost they ran together to hear the inspired apostles. This unique experience was given by God, and received by the people as convincing evidence that Eldad and Medad were divinely appointed, and divinely qualified, equally with their brethren nearer the Tabernacle. It is true that Joshua exhibited some jealousy and suspicion, and would have silenced them because the blessing had not come through Moses; but the great law-giver, with characteristic insight and generosity, would not heed the request—"My lord Moses, forbid them." Calmly, yet decisively, the answer rang out, "Enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them!" In the experience of these two men there is imbedded valuable and permanent truth. We regard it as an evidence, the more remarkable because given under a ceremonial regime, that God did not intend to institute any order of men outside the limits of which there was to be no liberty of prophesying and no fitness for it. Nor is there any exclusively sacred place, be it tabernacle, temple, synagogue, or church, where alone such gifts can be conferred. We believe that outside all sacred places, outside the churches of our own faith and order, and of any other churches, there are men, and women too, equally called of God with those within such limits, and the evidence that they are so called lies in the fact that in them also the Spirit of God is resting, and through them the Spirit of God is working. I took the above from the internet, and we all know that the internet is never wrong.
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