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In Leviticus 18, the Lord contrasts the laws He gives to the Israelites to those of the nations surrounding them. A look at some of the details of these laws offers much insight both for biblical u...
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What contemporary applications can be made from these verses? (Michael asks) These pagan practices, having sexual relations with close relatives, committing adultery, and having sex with animals (all common pagan practices associated with religion and culture) lead to consequences. Disease, deformity, and death are some. Also, they ruin families and show a low view of self and others. Society "winks at" and even goes so far as to try to make them acceptable. But sin is sin, to God. If you think they are acceptable, then you are not judging by God's standards. And don't forget, God said, "I will punish... all those following pagan customs" (Zephaniah 1:8, NLT)
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