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Nehemiah 1:1
ESV - 1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah. Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the capital.
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Author: The Book of Nehemiah does not specifically name its author, but both Jewish and Christian traditions recognize Ezra as the author. This is based on the fact that the Books of Ezra and Nehem...
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One of my favorite books that I used as a pastor for 7 years was by Alvy E. Ford. He summarized the book of Nehemiah in this way: Chapter 1 Now Nehemiah gets word of the Jews, Hears they have suffered a staggering bruise. Then he is moved on to weep and to pray, Seeking the Lord for a prosperous way. Chapter 2 Now he is given permission to leave, Also a grant from the king does receive, Comes to Jerusalem, studies the wall, Beckons the rulers and issues the call. Chapter 3 These are the people who answer the call, Setting their hearts to rebuilding the wall, Showing their names and the portions they build, Working with vigor that all be fulfilled. Chapter 4 Now is the building complete to the half. Then do the heathen give vent to their wrath. Threats are sent out but the people work on, Having their tools and their weapons along. Chapter 5 Leaders are guilty of bonding their kin. Then Nehemiah is grieved for their sin, Strongly rebukes them for doing this deed. Leaders repent and the people are freed. Chapter 6 Heathen are mad as completion draws near, Write Nehemiah to cause him to fear. He is not moved by their blustering ways. Wall is completed in fifty-two days. Chapter 7 Wall is complete and the doors are in place. City is large, has voluminous space. Brother Hanani has charge of this chore. Then genealogies same as before. Chapter 8 Ezra the priest on a pulpit of wood, Preaches the law that it be understood. People are able to fathom these truths; Then they obey them by dwelling in booths. Chapter 9 People are gathered with fasting and prayer, Binding themselves with a covenant there, Making confession and offering praise, Briefly reviewing their wandering ways. Chapter 10 Levites and priests and the chiefs of the tribes, Seal the contract to which they ascribe; Binding themselves to abstain from all sin, Also to bring all the offering in.
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