What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race"the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are diff...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Donald Woody Musician/Producer
I think to demonstrate what the bile says about these issues can be answered by a very wonderful Old Testament story found in the book of Numbers the complete Chapter 12. The story deals with Moses, his Ethiopian wife, Miriam his sister and Aaron his brother. Aaron and Miriam are complaining and criticizing Moses about his presumed African wife. Aaron remarks that "God speaks to Moses does He he also not speak to us?" At this point the situation gets incredibly critical the sort that arouses fear and trembling for it got God Himself attention for he heard what was going on. What is so amazing about the story is God's reaction, what He reacts about and the punishment that insues. One would think that God would have on the spot address the discrimination sin of Miriam and Aaron but He does say a word about it. Moses for whom was violated by his brother and sister's sin (we know they messed up because well God showed up and He was not Happy)!

Moses realizing this tried to intercede on their behalf and in all his meekness and humbleness failed to deter God from His judication. One has to be amazed at the single thing the God calls Aaron and Miriam on the carpet for. It is not discrimination against Moses' wife seemingly but rather challenging the authority of His chosen leader/servant. 

God scolds the two rather harshly and just leaves! When the smoke clears
Miriam has been turned into a leper, one of the most discriminated individuals in all of society during biblical times. It seems hear that God delivers a double whammy. 10 for Aaron and Miriam's sin of challenging Moses and 2) the sin of prejudice and discrimination.

God created all people; He is not a respecter of persons and definitely abhors us when we engage in this sin. We get a very good idea of how He feels about it in this story. And He does not even mention the sin of discrimination but He makes it clear that it is not acceptable. Please read Numbers 12:1-16.

January 06 2016 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders
Obviously the Lord was a man of color so unless
your blind yourself to the facts that the generational linkage to Mary had many influxes of races through marriages in her past generations.

Just like America has many influxes of races today. It is not unusual for someone in our predominantly white, black or hispanic family to become an interracial couple.

Now Jesus has been glorified so his countenance may be whatever he may want it to be to whom that he may present himself too or be seen by. We do not know, what we will be but we know, we will all be like him.

Racism is usually taught through actions and words spoken by parents as we grow into adulthood. Only through logic can we cast off such lies, deceit or ignorance. 

Of coarse salvation and the influence of the Holy Spirit can set anyone free from racism. When we are convicted of it and realize it was a bad 
part of our early childhood development.

Personally, I have had the privilege of attending unsegregated educational environments since kindergarten, so the racist views of my parents did not compute but had to be cast off by the Holy Spirit after salvation.

Having parents that expressed bigotry had of coarse a subconscious influence that had to be shaken and prayed off. Now I go out of my way to be friendly to people of color. I understand that they may have experienced racism on a personal level.

Although I, myself, have experienced racism myself from other races, I do not allow it to corrupt me. Knowing that racism comes in all colors: yellow, black, or white, and we are all precious in the Lord's sight.

Cast it off if you are contaminated with racism for any reason. It is still wrong. You must forgive to be forgiven that is a commandment. It is not an optional commandment in the Christian faith.

December 28 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini ainsley chalmers Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.
The bottom line or foundation of any racial prejudice is derived from the concept or evolution proposed by Darwin and now taught as fact in our educational institutions (even so called Christian ones). This theory basically teaches that some human beings on this planet are closer to apes than white skinned Homo Sapiens. It allowed Hitler to view Jews as less evolved humans thereby giving him permission to help the evolutionary process along. It allowed white man to kill aboriginals with impunity during early days of white colonization.

Christians, evolutionary thinking is far from being an innocuous theory, it is taught as fact by many scientists. It' effect on human behavior is very far from being innocuous as history has already proven. We need to zealously reject it for the dangerous lie that it is.

March 19 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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