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Before considering if we will actually be able to see God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we need to establish that they are three Persons. Without delving too deeply into the doctrine of ...
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I don't believe we will have the same considerations we have now once we discard this body of imperfection. Death will be defeated once the perishable puts on imperishable. (1 Cor 15:54. The query begins with, 'what is it like to be dead'? Well, I don't think we will ever find out what death is like if we are "born again" before we leave the earthly life behind, and I'm fine with that. First John 3:2, When Jesus appears we will be like Him, and will see Him as He is. Rev 22:3, 4 says that His bondservants will serve Him, and will "see His face". But, first, the verse says 'there will no longer be any curse'. That's the point! We will have an unfettered, intimate relationship with the Lord, far superior to the one we have now due to the limitations caused by the curse. No longer will there be a conscious curiosity of who, why, and how, challenging our thoughts about our loving Father. The bible isn't promising us a full disclosure of all the answers to the many questions we have about life. It is promising us a NEW LIFE, not a sequel to this cursed life we live on this side of eternity. Oh sing to the Lord a NEW song...Psalm 96:1. And they sang a NEW song, saying, "Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by Your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation"...Rev 5:9. Isaiah 55:8 tells us that our thoughts and ways are not the thoughts and ways of the Lord. My question is, 'will our thoughts and ways be like His when we become like Him (1 John 3:2 upon His return?' If so, then I don't believe we will spend time trying to find answers to trivial matters. I think it's completely routine to speculate about the afterlife. In fact, I believe that without our imaginings we would likely sleep through the resurrection. However, I believe the change we will experience in our essence will be so extreme that we will no longer marvel about anything. For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind (Isaiah 65:17). That's good news to me.
I do not believe that we will be able to see the 3 persons of the trinity in heaven. This is is because God the Father, and Jesus the Son are now in heaven, as Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection. But the Holy Spirit, although being a person, does not have a body to be seen. However, it may be possible that the Holy Spirit will return to heaven to be with the Father and the Son in a Spiritual way, but not in a physical way. This is because the Holy Spirit was the replacement for Jesus on earth. When Jesus was alive and on the earth, people had to go to wherever Jesus was, and there was only one of Jesus, although He was God in the flesh. However, when Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit came and dwelt in every believer in Jesus who receives the Holy Spirit, who is omnipresent and omniscient.-everywhere at all times if required, as God is.
If you have seen the Son, you would have seen the Father and experienced the Holy Spirit. Is it important for us to see all three distinct persons together? I don't think so. What would be important to me as a disciple of Christ is to see Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega of mankind's salvation.
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