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Can a person still be a Christian and yet deny certain biblical truths?

I know Christians who accept Christ as saviour yet: 
1. Don’t believe in the incarnation 
2. Believe in evolution as God-directed
3. Don’t believe the Bible is absolute truth but is allegorical 
4. Believe there are many routes to God and salvation 
5. Don’t have a biblical worldview 

I try not to judge those who have these beliefs, but wonder if can they be termed "Christians."

Clarify Share Report Asked December 29 2023 Mini ainsley chalmers Supporter

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Profile pic Mark Vestal Supporter Proud of nothing of myself. Freed by Christ who did it all!
I do not believe so. It is contradictory to what "faith" means, which is to take God at His word. God's written Word to us is where we find how to come to Him. If someone does not believe what the Bible states then they are showing a lack of trusting in what God is trying to tell them. How could it be possible for someone who does not believe what God tells them in His Word to ever discover God's love for them and their need for Him? I submit that my opinion does not mean much in this matter. It is truly a question that God alone will answer someday.

You list some very good points of contention for where some self-proclaimed "Christians" might stand. I would like to add another: Some also state that they are "Christians" because they "follow Jesus" (would God agree?). Are they saying they follow Christ's earthly ministry to Israel, or Christ's heavenly ministry as given to Paul? Yes, there is a difference! I would further ask them if they believe they will obtain salvation by how well they have "followed" Him during their life. Do you see the issue? They could be falsely placing their faith in themselves and their merits (which would be boastable) rather than placing their eternal security (their faith) on Jesus Christ and HIS righteousness that was completed by Him alone for them. They overlook the cross and thus fail to submit to the fact that Christ died on it for them due to our inability to fully follow Him, which was the requirement by God prior to the revealing of His current age of grace (Eph 3:2).

I believe that you can identify a true Christian by their testimony. Does this person believe that Christ died for the forgiveness of their sins, that He was buried, but rose again for their justification, so that by God's grace they may accept the free gift of salvation through having this faith in Christ? This is the correct foundation of being a Christian. If they have this fundamental understanding of what God did for them out of His love for us through Jesus Christ then they probably have no issue with any other portion of God's written Word. Their love/belief in ALL of His Word should actually be very strong.

December 31 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Robert Hibbard Supporter Retired Christian High School Teacher
I do believe there are "fundamentals" of the faith which are absolute. It is sad that there are people who identify as Christians but don't believe them. 

As for the list above, I believe the Bible is the Word of God, and absolutely true. This is different than literal, because the Bible was written with allegory, metaphor, illustrations and examples, poetry, etc. Often to make true points. So the Bible is truth, though there are good questions about what it means, and even apparent differences in places within the Scriptures. It was written by inspired men who wrote in their own way. And there are issues which deserve wrestling with and places of honest disagreement. I would say I believe in the authority of Scripture, but not necessarily in the authority of me.

According to the Bible the incarnation is not only true, it is the basis of our faith. God came to earth in the form of Jesus to die for our sins and offer a way to live that would be better for us here and now as well eternity with Him in the future.

Jesus Himself said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me." (John 14:6 NASB). May people believe that there are other ways to salvation, but Jesus said only through Him. Christianity is exclusive in this way. 

So I have dealt with #'s 1, 3, 4 as absolute truths which must be believed, in my opinion, to be considered a Christian. Christians have different views on evolution, and I am hesitant to proclaim a right one except that God created. And I believe in a Biblical worldview, but that can mean different things to different people. The idea is to view everything from a Biblical perspective, of course, which I try to do, but I have found well meaning Christians who don't do this in the way that I think. I would not call them non-Christian.

So three of the five mentioned above are absolute truths which are to be believed to identify as a Christian, recognizing, again that Biblical authority is a basis for understanding and belief, but doesn't contradict questioning, wrestling, and ultimately honest disagreement that is based on an attempt to follow the Bible.

There are other "fundamentals," including the fact that we are sinners before a Holy God, the substitutionary atonement (that Christ paid the penalty for our sin in our place), the virgin birth of Christ, His resurrection, and His coming again. 

So I think identifying as a Christian does require adherence to certain beliefs, but there are areas of the faith where Christians can disagree. We should still be able to live together in unity in Christ.

December 30 2023 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini David Haladay Supporter
That is a description of someone who claims to believe in the Name of Jesus but not the Jesus of the Bible. In Exodus, Aaron created an idol and told the people “This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!” He called the idol God but the name did not match reality. The Mormons use the name Jesus but their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible who alone is Savior. You can not deny the foundation of Christianity and throw in a name and be saved. It is not the name but the person the name identifies that saves, and that person is the eternal living God. Your friend is like Aaron, for he created an idol and gave it the right name, but his Jesus and the true Jesus are not the same. His Jesus can not save--only the eternal Jesus who is God, who came into a human body can save.

December 31 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini ainsley chalmers Supporter Medical Research Scientist, devoted family man.
I asked this question and thanks to those who responded. I prayed about this and ended up reviewing my own walk with Christ.

Forty-five years ago I gave my life to Christ. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the word of God leapt out at me. Initially I was a theistic evolutionist or what my university professor taught. Through time I realised TE was incompatible with the teachings of the Bible. This revelation caused me to dissect the Bible; finally I realised that the Bible was absolute truth, and this led to certain conclusions which cannot be compromised.

1. We are all sinners and sins lead to physical death. Sin entered humanity in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve rebelled against God.
2. Christ redeemed us from sin through the sacrifice of Himself at Calvary. He opened the way to eternal joy and fellowship with Him in heaven.
3. As such the deity of Christ cannot be compromised, as neither can the incarnation as only a God-Man can save us from our sins and thereby make us His children.

Finally, certain fundamentals listed above cannot be compromised by a truly believing Christian. If other beliefs like TE or absolute truth of the Bible are questioned, I feel God will eventually set us straight. This process is called sanctification. 

A classic example is the thief on the cross, whose one belief was to kill the evil Romans. Yet when he witnessed the love and forgiveness of Christ on the cross to those despising Him, he asked Christ to be his saviour and received salvation. Praise almighty God in Christ Jesus.

January 01 2024 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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