Is Junia the same Joanna in the Bible? Luke 24:10, Romans 16:7
ESV - 10 Greet Apelles, who is approved in Christ. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobulus.
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Paul describes Junia as having been a member of the Christian community prior to him, and given that Paul himself converted within three years of the death of Jesus, that would require Junia to have been a member of the community from a very early period. Furthermore, although Joanna is a Hebrew name and Junia is a Latin name, Jews often adopted a second Latin name that was nearly a phonic equivalent of their original name. Joanna and Junia act as near sound equivalents in the native languages, which would be indicative of the identification between the two. Finally, Paul describes Junia as being "well-known among the apostles". Given that Junia is described as an earliest member of the community, and as one of the most prominent members, the fact that she is not named elsewhere is indicative of she and Joanna being the same individual, given Joanna's high prominence during the ministry of Jesus.
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