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2 Peter 3:17 "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position." New International Version
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By my understanding, the Greek word translated as "secure position" in the verse cited in the question can also have a meaning of "steadfastness". (This is the only occurrence of this particular word in Scripture.) In other words, Peter is not cautioning his readers about an external threat that could dislodge them from their security in Christ. Instead, he is speaking of the possibility (of which he had already spoken earlier in the epistle (2 Peter 1:10-12)) that the readers themselves could jeopardize their position as redeemed followers of Christ by wavering in their faith, and allowing themselves to be drawn away from Christ as a result of any doubts that they themselves might develop or harbor regarding the certainty of Christ's return, as well as their hope of entering the kingdom of God.
This may seem like an impossibility, to "fall from one's SECURE POSITION." Compare, though, the fences at lookout points at the Grand Canyon, which by the way I have been to and enjoyed immensely! 4 times, 3 times walking all the way down to the bottom, but the 4th to just see the sights). On the North or South Rims on top of the Grand Canyon, you would be SECURE unless you climb over the fence. Similarly, Christians are SECURE as long as they hang on to the truth. But if they follow false teachers (if they "climb over the fence") they could fall into error.
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