Why were Adam and Even driven out of the Garden of Eden?


Clarify Share Report Asked December 27 2019 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

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20230618 192834 Donna Williams Supporter
I believe that there is a deeper revelation and understanding that the Holy Spirit desires for every believer to have. Before the fall, Adam and Eve had uninterrupted fellowship with God. But when they disobeyed the commandment of the Lord, it brought about a separation. I believe that this is symbolic to spiritual death. Before they disobeyed, the Lord told them, "In the day ye eat thereof, ye shall surely die." He was speaking from a spiritual perspective. 

Sin brings about spiritual death and separates us from God. (Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 6:23) Adam and Eve became spiritually blind, their heart became darkened by sin. This is the reason why we as believers in Christ must continue to walk in the light even as He is in the light. For God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. When we stray away from the truth, we begin to walk in darkness, the eyes of our heart become blinded, and we become dull of hearing. We must watch, as well as pray, for the tempter comes to deceive. Let us abide in the Word of God!

January 01 2020 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Aurel Gheorghe Supporter
God’s plan for His Creation was to have eternal life, thus God gave the first couple access to the Tree of Life (Gen 2:16). By eating from the tree, they have immortality. 

But God placed one restriction – they should not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because they will die (Gen 2:17). After they disobeyed God and listen to Satan’s lies, they became sinners and their immortality was lost. 

The reason why Adam and Even were driven out of the Garden is clearly stated: “He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and LIVE FOREVER" (Gen 3:22). They were evicted from the Garden so could no longer eat from the Tree of Life and live forever - without access to that tree, they began to die. God did not wanted immortal sinners. Adam lived 930 years (Gen 5:5) and today most of us hope for seventy or eighty years (Ps 90:10). The farther away we've gotten from the Tree of Life, the shorter our lives became. 

However, there is awesome news - God will restore the Paradise that Adam and Eve lost and once again we will be able to eat from the Tree of Life and enjoy eternity with our God (Rev 22:1,2)

January 02 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
By my reading of Genesis 3:22-23, Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden to remove them from access to the Tree of Life (not only so that there would be no possibility of them eating from it, but also so that it would not be a source of constant temptation to them, and possibly also even to preclude their being killed by the cherubim and the flaming sword that God placed as a guard on the Tree of Life, in a futile attempt to access it, which would have destroyed God's plan for them to populate the earth). (They did not have children until after their expulsion from the garden (Genesis 4).)

Removing them from the garden also placed them in an environment where they had to work the land in order to obtain food (per the punishment that God had pronounced against Adam in Genesis 3:17-19 because of his sin), rather than continuing to live in the environment that God had originally and specifically created for them. 

Finally, in my opinion, by Adam and Eve being driven out of the Garden of Eden, the memory of having lost that environment through their own disobedience, and the knowledge of never being able to return to it or regain it, would have been an additional part of the punishment that Adam and Eve had to bear for their sin.)

December 27 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Marie Pharaoh Supporter
Only Adam was driven from the Garden. Genesis 3:23: "The Lord banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken." Not Eve, as she was never created from the dust of the ground. 

Why? Look at Adam's answer in Genesis 3:12, "And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree..." He is saying, God, if you had not put the woman here, I would not have disobeyed you. He blamed God for his disobedience. 

Furthermore, what was the serpent, a beast of the field, doing in the midst of the Garden when it was Adam's responsibility to tend to the Garden? Why did Adam, who was with Eve when the serpent spoke to and she ate of the fruit, do nothing to curtail the serpent's actions or Eve's. See Genesis 3:6 

Something happened to Adam's character, which extended far beyond just simple disobedience, that caused God's great concern. Hence, Adam was driven out of the Garden with the Cherubims as guards to prevent his eating of the tree of life. Genesis 3:24.

What's also notable is that Adam changed the woman's name in Genesis 3:20 "And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." Prior to that she was called "woman." Why is that significant?

Eve exited the Garden willfully with Adam. That's why God spoke prophecy to her in Genesis 3:16: "your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." Had her desire been for God she would have remained in the Garden.

Also, remember, God's pronouncement to the serpent in Genesis 3:15, that he would put a chasm between the serpent's offspring and the woman's seed. And that her seed would crush his head. A woman has eggs and not seeds. Her offspring, Mary, gave birth to renewed life, and those of us believing in the works of Christ, are the living. He used Mary's egg, but not a man's sperm. 

This is all to say that the story is deeper than just disobedience and sin, but carries deep nuances that need more careful study. Examining these nuances will assist in our understanding more about ourselves in forming a richer and deeper relationship with Our Father.

May 07 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
Why were Adam and Eve sent from the Garden of Eden?

There is a Hebrew pun (a pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended rhetorical effect) here in Gen. 3:22-23. The verb is the Piel preterite of שָׁלַח (shalakh), forming a wordplay with the use of the same verb (in the Qal stem -- שָׁלַח (shalakh) in Gen. 3:22: "And the Lord God said, 'Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.' 23 So the Lord God expelled him from the orchard in Eden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken. - " To prevent the man’s “sending out” his hand, the Lord “sends him out.” --bible.org

"And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age.'"--(Gen. 3:22)

"So Yahweh Elohim sent the man out of the Garden of Eden to farm the ground from which the man had been formed." -- (Gen. 3:23)

See this wordplay or pun when I connect the 2 verses, Genesis 3:22-23 from the Legacy Standard Bible:

22 Then Yahweh God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us to know good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever”— 23 therefore Yahweh God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken.

Driving Adam and Eve from the garden was both a punishment and an act of mercy, lest they should eat of the tree of life and live forever in a state of death and alienation. (Ryrie)

The way to "The Tree of Life" will 1 day be reopened by Jesus Christ through his death on the cross" (Jn 14:6; Hebrews 10:1-25; Revelation 2:7; 22:1-2, 14, 19). (Wiersbe)

"Our Lord wasn't joking when He kicked 'em out of Eden." (Rich Mullins). But He knew all along that He had set a plan in motion to redeem man. "It wasn't for no reason that He shed His blood." (Mullins, again).

May 08 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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