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John 3:16
ESV - 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
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The greatest evidence of God's love for each and every human is the incarnation of Christ to make eternal life possible for all who place their faith in Him. That fact should provide a source of continuing joy to all Christians, regardless of their individual circumstances. However, during our earthly lives, all Christians also live in an environment where Satan, the world system that he controls, and our own fallen flesh, all work against realizing that joy, and even our faith in Christ is not a guarantee that our lives will be continually free of adversity, or "happy" by worldly standards. Jesus Himself told His apostles in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble." However, He then immediately added, "But be of good cheer! I have overcome the world." Aside from that reason for joy (and all the other such reasons found in Scripture) even in the midst of misfortune, plus the privilege and power of prayer, as well as the benefit of regularly associating and speaking with fellow believers, God has also equipped many humans with medical, psychological, or pastoral training to help individuals successfully address the type of persistent hurt that the questioner mentions. Resorting to those professionals (especially those who combine their formal training with a Christian orientation) does not indicate weakness or a lack of faith, but a willingness and determination to utilize all possible assets to personally realize the full extent of the victory gained for us by Christ, and to live our lives for His glory and the benefit of others to the maximum degree possible. I also find it helpful at times of personal hurting to focus on the needs of others (rather than only thinking of my own situation), and to consider what I might be able to do to help them or to alleviate their difficulties.
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