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What did David mean when he wrote that God would not abandon [him] to the realm of the dead? Psalm 16:10

What did David mean when he wrote that God would not abandon [him] to the realm of the dead? Psalm 16:10

Psalm 16
A miktam[c] of David.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
    my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
    nor will you let your faithful[d] one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life;

Clarify Share Report Asked December 22 2018 My picture Jack Gutknecht

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Mini Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
As was the case with several prophetic verses in the Old Testament, the verse noted in the question had multiple levels of meaning, pertaining to both the current situation and also to a future fulfillment, particularly (in this instance) with regard to the promised Messiah. 

Although Psalm 16:10 had prophetic significance with respect to Jesus' future resurrection (as noted by Peter in Acts 2:25-32), David was also expressing his faith that, in his own present case, God would not forsake or abandon him by allowing him to be killed.

December 23 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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