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The best way to overcome a fear of the end of days is to be spiritually prepared for it. First and foremost, you must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in order to have eternal life (J...
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As my Preacher used to say, I can't wait to go to Heaven. But if the bus was in the parking lot right now, I'd ask to take the next bus. Nobody, that I know anyway, who is a Christian is really ready to leave this world. The end of days seem quite close, only God knows though. The good thing is we truly saved Christians won't have to go through the horrible end of times since will will have been captured out of this world. The ones I fear for are those of my friends that are left behind to face that horrible destruction. Especially those that thought they were saved and are not. I can't even imagine knowing what is coming and being stuck in the middle of it. Anyhow, fear for them and try to witness to them. Soon it will be everlasting too late. Us saved souls will be OK.
I agree with the above. Do know that the word of God says that everything will fade but my love will remain. God has not given you a spirit of fear. So know what you are feeling is from the enemy. Fear can lead you to turn away from God. Find scripture that speaks against fear and bring down satan. By you confessing what the Word says it will not only change the inside of you but will drive the demon away.
I think the apostle Paul answered this question best in Phillippians when he said "For me, to die is gain and to live is Christ!" When we fully understand all that is waiting for us after we die then death has no hold on us. As for the hardships and tribulations the world will see, therein we find the part of the verse "to live is Christ". When we live for Christ we find the ability as Paul also said "to count it all joy". My best advice in this is to ask the Lord to show you how to love Him more. Have you ever noticed that when you are in the presence of loved ones tribulations just don't matter as much. I wrote a song years ago that sums up these things to me: I know I'm not a rich man Here on this earth But I live my life to a different plan Than just what's my net worth I live my life for Jesus Because he died for me And when I get to Heaven He will be waiting there for me (chorus) So when I get to Heaven I'll claim my Victory All my worldly problems Will fall away from me Jesus and the Father Are waiting there for me So when I get to Heaven I'll claim my Victory Jesus never promised A life without strife But He made us the promise That in the afterlife There would be no more problems No worries and no cares And when we get to Heaven He will be with us there (repeat chorus) I am not in any hurry I've more in this world to do I'll get to see my Savior when my time on earth is through So until then I'll bide my time Just waiting for that day When I finally see Jesus And meet him face to face (repeat chorus)
If you are saved, you won't be here to go through what is coming upon the whole earth. Our sins were judged at the cross in Christ. We do not remain to experience the wrath of God.
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