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I would say that, given the precise relative distances, sizes, and movements of the involved bodies that have to be present in order to make an event such as a total solar eclipse possible, it is one more of the many evidences of God's orderly design of the universe, to which the Bible testifies repeatedly, as in Psalm 19:1-6. God is also capable, if He chooses, of using or changing astronomical laws or events for His purposes, as illustrated by His answer to Joshua's request to delay the going down of the sun (Joshua 10:12-14). The Bible also speaks of signs in the heavens (in which I would say that eclipses may play a part) in connection with the end times, in passages such as Joel 3:15 and Matthew 24:29. However, I do not think that one can conclude from this that all such events, or any particular regularly occurring event, necessarily have a significance from an end-times perspective. I think that, at the time of the end, there will be a convergence of multiple signs that will make their significance in that connection unmistakable.
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