When a person falls away from God who has demonstrated the gifts of the Holy Spirit, is it possible for that person to continue to demonstrate these gifts?

Some christians are said to have fallen into sin but their gifts continue to work through them. Does the Holy Spirit allow such things to happen? Are there any biblical references to justify this?

1 Corinthians 12:4

ESV - 4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Clarify Share Report Asked May 28 2017 Cropped img 5170 Didier KWIZERA Supporter

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I would say, first, that I would be hesitant to pass judgment on another individual's spiritual condition, especially since even Christians (including those with visible spiritual gifts) remain sinners throughout this life. 

The Bible records multiple instances when God used Gentile/pagan people or nations (such as Babylon, Assyria, and Rome) to carry out His purposes, and even referred to the head of the nation as His "servant", as in Isaiah with reference to Cyrus of Persia (Isaiah 45:1-7), or in Jeremiah with reference to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Jeremiah 27:6; Jeremiah 43:10). I would therefore say that God is also capable of working even through unrepentant sinners to accomplish His purposes. If such a person exhibits or has exhibited gifts normally associated with the presence of the Holy Spirit, perhaps God has not withdrawn those gifts as a means of maintaining a presence in the individual's life and continuing to benefit others or accomplish His purposes, while, if possible, also mercifully calling the person to repentance.

I also acknowledge the possibility that the "gifts" that the person is now displaying may be a product of evil forces intended to deceive others, or to promote non-Christian objectives, as with Simon Magus in Samaria (Acts 8:9-24), or the girl in Philippi with a spirit of divination (Acts 16:16-18). Recognition of that fact would require spiritual discernment.

June 10 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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