What effects do conditions like autism, attachment disorder, ADHD, etc., have on the Christian life?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
When Adam sinned, death entered the world. God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden as they had exchanged their life in paradise for a curse. They were cursed, their bodies were cursed, and the wo...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Fb img 1501128698469 Darla Pluckrose Technical editor and a God-loving grandmother
I agree with both the learned individuals who answered this question, and I find their responses quite true. But I would like to add a little something. 

There are many emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically challenged individuals. I am one of them, and likely you are, too. We are ALL damaged and broken. 

God loves every single one of them and we are commanded to love them as well. 

Loving them involves telling them about Jesus and His sacrifice, about God, and about how to accept His gift. We are commanded to SHOW them God's love. 

But God has told us that even if no one tells them, nature alone is evidence of Him. And those who will stop and listen and see this magnificent creation has to know there is a greater, more wonderful force at work than can happen by accident. The simple faith of a challenged individual is a wonderful thing. 

God already knows His elect. Not because He is picking and choosing, but because He already knows which of us will ever accept His gift. These, He will ensure their way, no matter their limitations, because He is limitless in His Mercy and His Grace. 

We love each other and we tell each other and we serve each other. Let God do the rest. He will call even the simplest mind or most damaged body or the emotionally hurting. We do our part and trust Him to make a way for everyone who would choose him.

June 25 2016 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20150816 3767 1tn9rak mark wilkinson retired school teacher and missionary
The Christian life not involves one's walk with the Lord Jesus, but also fellowship with other believers. No one can be a Christian in isolation. A Christian is a member of the family of God - at the universal and the local level, the local church.

Families develop bonds of friendship and support. They learn each other's secrets and share matters of the heart together. As one grows up one learns in society certain social cues - often quite subtle ones when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex.

Unfortunately those with the disorders mentioned in the question above don't always assimilate these social cues. They may take a joke in a serous way. They may blurt out in company what has been told them in private. They may post in social media their inner-most thoughts, or state what they think about someone else, or simply repeat what they heard someone else say the day before, but without conveying the context in which it was said. They may not be subtle in what they say, perhaps butting in when someone else is speaking.

This makes it difficult for everyone. It can mean that people avoid the one with the disorder, for fear of them divulging a private matter. This makes it even more difficult for that person to have meaningful relationships. Others may feel they want to get alongside, but their interest and Christian love may be misconstrued, to mutual embarrassment or annoyance. 

Those of us who do not have such conditions ought to be sensitive, caring, and attention-giving to such fellow believers. Try to be honest and guide them when they make mistakes. Church discipline may be needed if selfishness has caused hurt to another. Above all pray for such folks, for the Lord loves them as they are and by his grace they can overcome many of their trials and tribulations. He also gives grace for them to accept their state and humbly accept the help they are offered by others.

Often such folks have special gifts that may be of benefit to the fellowship, such as musical talents. They could then learn to work in partnership with others as the church makes use of these gifts. Beware however of encouraging pride, and of any effects their behaviour may have on children (such in a choir).

September 16 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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