Top Questions See All
  1. Does Jeremiah 31:31-34 mean that since the birth of Christ (the New Covenant), true believers are the House of Israel?
  2. How should a Roman Catholic, after being saved (born again), conduct herself/himself in his original church?
  3. Why did GOD call His commandments a covenant of love?
  4. Did King Ahasuerus sleep with all of the virgins before he chose which one to marry?
  5. Can all of God's children experience the freedom David was asking for (Ps 25:16-22)?
  6. Who was Saul in the Old Testament?
  7. Why did Elihu spend so much of this time defending his right to speak (Job 33:2-7)?
  8. Is there a place in the OT that could be a reference for the body as the Temple?
  9. What Name do the Father and Son share?
  10. Did Mephibosheth ever walk again?

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