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  1. What does Jesus teach about praying on the sabbath?
  2. What is the typology between manna and Jesus as the bread?
  3. Is there a Bible verse that says the husband and wife relationship is most important in the family?
  4. Why do we suddenly see "the Lord's Day" in this verse, and never before this verse, in the Bible?
  5. How did Moses receive God's favor (Exodus 33:12)?
  6. What does the Bible say about a spouse watching porn with a 5-year-old grandchild beside him?
  7. Does the Holy Spirit do deliverance on us little by little?
  8. Were Goliath's brothers killed before or after David killed Goliath?

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Question by Pamela Mangum

What does laying the wood in order mean?

What is the order of wood referring to as far as it being laid. Abraham also laid the wood in order before the sacrificial act of preparing Issac.

1 Kings 18:1 - 46

May 06 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Pamela Mangum

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What is the order of wood referring to as far as it being laid. Abraham also laid the wood in order before the sacrificial act of preparing Issac.

1 Kings 18:1 - 46

May 06 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Apache Martinez

Who was the voice that was talking?

Revelation 4:1 - 11

May 06 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Charles Smith

Where is matthew 17:21?

Matthew 17:20

1 Vote May 06 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Matthew Parr

What about repeated sin?

I have found I have struggled with repeated sin. It is deep it is dark. It is destructive. In short it has destroyed my life.

Romans 8:1

May 06 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Just Us

What scripture talks about the crown of work's?

1 Peter 5:1 - 13

May 01 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Just Us

what scripture talks about the crown of work's?

1 Peter 5:1 - 13

May 01 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Helena Jones

How does one commune with a lukewarm Christian?

Revelation 3:14 - 22

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Viki Balsamo

We all have different gifts. If my gift is to serve, am I excused from evangelizing or encouraging?

I think the answer is that you are not excused, that everyone is supposed to use every gift, though some are better at some gifts than others. What does the ...

1 Corinthians 12:1 - 11

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by James Wong , Passionate Christ Follower and Business Man

Is poverty usually related to sin or the absence of God's favor?

I understand there are exceptions to this (i.e. Job's wealth being taken away because he was being tested) but I'm asking "usually".

Proverbs 24:33 - 34

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Calvin Rechais

Do we now have to keep the sabbath?

Genesis 2:1 - 3

3 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Pattyann Oloughlin , I'M Blessed to be a Child Of God.Mother of 3 Boys,loving sis

Why were the people of God in the OT lacking in faith?

Is it because faith comes from believing in Jesus?

Hebrews 4:1 - 16

April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Surendra Khadka

What is the meaning of Proverbs 21:20?

Proverbs 21:20

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

How does the Holy Spirit work with me?

John 16:13

April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Colin Wong , Founder,

What is the significance of the term "unequally" in "unequally yoked with unbelievers"?

The phrase in 2 Corinthians 6:14 is often explained as "do not be yoked with unbelievers". Yet, there's a difference between "do not be unequally yoked" vs. ...

2 Corinthians 6:14

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Barry Rempel

Where did the women that Cain married come from?

Where did the women come from that Cain married? If Cain was the third person on the earth a son fo Adam and Eve where did other people come from?

Genesis 4:1 - 26

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Ray Thomas

Is it possible to lose my salvation?

I am a Christian. I love my Lord and in your knowledge of the Bible if I walk with God and live the life that would please the Father, could I miss the raptu...

3 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Viki Balsamo

How does the Spirit teach us?

In what ways, when, what does he teach us?

1 John 2:27

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anna Mcdonald , Bible Thumpin' Woman!

What is the significant of the scribes?

Matthew 9:3

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Who is Satan?

What is the role of satan during this time (BC)? Sounds like he works with God, but I believe he is the bad guy?

Job 2:1 - 11

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anna Mcdonald

What was the significance of John's clothes?

Matthew 3:4

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Shelly Adams

What was the spirit of God hovering over?

Genesis 1:1 - 31

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Daniel Rinker

What is a Coney?

I assume it has nothing to do with "Coney Island!"

Leviticus 11:5

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Ailao Mataia

What is the first born (ref: to Jesus)?

Acts 8:1 - 40

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Daniel Rinker

What is the caul?

Leviticus 4:1 - 6:30

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Jason Winn , Co-Founder, eBible

When did Good Friday begin to be observed?

Obviously this is an important day to remember, but is it a tradition that the disciples started immediately after Christ's death, or did this come much late...

Luke 23:26 - 43

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Was this prophesied in the old testament, the anointing of the oil on Jesus?

Like the referring of a lamb lead to slaughter in Isaiah. This referring to Jesus

Matthew 26:6 - 13

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Colin Wong , Founder,

What is the significance of Stephen's answer to the Sanhedrin prior to being martyred?

The accusation against Stephen was that "Jesus will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us." Stephen then gave a long spee...

Acts 7:1 - 53

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up