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Why can't I control my thoughts?

I for a year now I have wicked thoughts about God. Some when I cursed God and some that I am too ashamed to even type about. I even have thoughts telling me that I'm pathetic and I'm a satanic child. It drives me crazy. It leads me too think that Jesus has given up on me, which I know its a lie. I thoughts about killing myself, beating myself up, or just giving into the world. But I love Christ to much to just give up on my faith. But I'm still a bit discouraged. I pray to Jesus and tell him that I'm sorry for the wicked thoughts I have about him. I know that he know that I don't mean it, because the love I have for him. I do think about just giving up, but I just can't. Please pray for me? Will God hold me accountable for this?

Clarify Share Report Asked May 05 2014 Chrysanthemum Darius Seals

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Stringio Vincent Mercado Supporter Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
Hi Darius. 

God loves you even if you have wicked thoughts about Him, even if you curse Him.

You are not pathetic, nor satanic. You are a child of God.

Have peace. Jesus has never given up on you. Your life is precious to Him.

Take courage. Confess your sins to a priest and he will tell you that Jesus has forgiven your sins. He will also give you some helpful fatherly advice.

Don't give up. I am praying for you. God loves you.

May 06 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1609837556.788317 Nike Kolawole Caterer, linguist, Sunday school teacher and evangl at RCCG
Hello Darius,

I had exactly your problem. I thought it was impossible to control my thoughts, but God helped me to realise that I could. 2 cor 10: 4-5. Those evil thoughts are from the enemy, he wants you to feel quilty and do something bad to yourself. God loves you in an unbelievable way, evil thoughts or not. His love to you is an everlasting one, even the devil knows this, but you need to know, confess and believe this with all your heart. When you allow God to love you, the rest will be easy. 1john 4: 18 Read God's word ceaselessly, therein lies the power to overcome the evil one. He can never withstand the word. Rev 12:11. I battled with evil thoughts for almost 20 years on and off, I did not know what I know now, I can never be a victim again. I can and will control my thoughts, God says I can, and he cannot lie. Read Joyce Meyer's books, they helped me a lot. God bless you. Adenike.

May 09 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Ann marin
Hi Darius,

From what you described it sounds more like an obsessive compulsion Disorder. This does not make you a bad person or a bad christian, it's a disorder. The thoughts you are having unfortunately are more common than you think. Others with OCD Experience similar thoughts daily. With the help of God and some professional assistance in behavioral therapy you can get better. The thoughts may never "go away" completely, however with therapy you can learn ways to recognize them, deal with them and eventually overcome them. You know in your heart you love the Lord and that is what matters most. I myself struggle with OCD daily. It can seem overwhelming at times and unfair but don't give up. It can get better if you seek professional therapy. It took me a long time to get the courage to ask for help because I felt it was embarrassing, but getting help is the path to getting better. 

You will be in my prayers.

April 15 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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