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Should Christians homeschool their children?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The question of whether Christians should home school their children is one that many families wrestle with. The Bible tells us that children are a gift from the Lord, specially created for His ple...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

10154324 660559607325867 601417579 n Paul Bayne Business Owner, Husband and Father of Four Kids & Blogger
My goodness yes! It takes all of the parent's energy, love and dedication to teach their children. We homeschool our four and they are so far ahead of the status-quo it's amazing. 

Are you ready to start learning what you forgot many years ago? Are you ready to develop patience and understanding when your children have a brain freeze? Homeschool is such a refresher course for parents, you learn things you forgot and you grow in your understanding of concepts you weren't taught while you were in school.

Homeschool is not for cowards, but believe me, it's so worth it.
You know where your children are all day...
You know who they are socializing with...
You can adjust their learning to their needs and skills. They don't have to hear about evolution all day long.

Homeschool is the greatest way to bond with your children, and my wife and I love it. Yes, homeschool but be smart and surround yourself with support and knowledge as especially in the States, the gov't frowns on it and will persecute you at every chance they get.

As with spreading the Gospel, be wise as serpents, but innocent as doves.

February 02 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini James Kraft 74 year old retired pipeline worker
Things have change drasticly over the last 70 years when I started to school. I remember having a teacher in the 2nd grade that started teaching evolution. It was soon brought to the attention of the parents at parent-teacher conferences, and the teacher was warned not to do that, and if it continued she would be fired.

Two of my children home schooled their kids, and it really does make a difference. Not everyone can do it though and we should not put people under the law for such things. As my uncle said, If there were no christians in public schools it would be a disaster. 

One of the things that helps is to take your children to a good bible believing church and sunday school, if you can find one. The other thing is that you and your wife love each other, God, and others. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. 

In a round about way the Lord home schooled my kids. My wife and I both had to work as we had 4 kids in Jr.high and highschool all at once. My father, who was a retired baptist preacher, and my mother lost everything they had and moved into our basement. My mother did much to teach my kids from the bible while they were there. At the same time my wife's sister, who was dying of cancer, lived with us off and on to help her parents out. 

It was only by Gods amazing grace that we ever got through those years. Home school if you can, or send them to a good christian school if you can. If not, pray all you can and the Lord will make up for what we cannot do. He always provides for His own.

July 23 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Salem Markus Purba
Absolutly yes, not just for their children, but for the parents as well (Deuteronomy 6:5-9; Mathew 12:33).

Mathew 18:1-10, clearly explains it for us.

April 07 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Shomer
If possible yes, today there are many options available to parents that seek to remove or avoid the sometimes violent state indoctrination center.

The duty of all parents is to provide the best education available for their children and the future citizens of society!
Today that education is not within the public school system, it's not a money deal, but rather it's what is taught, as test scores prove.

Public school teachers put their own children into private schools at a very high percentage, they know the truth of the matter.
Consider at one time we taught Greek and Latin in high school, today we teach remedial English in college! Proverbs 10:14

Currently pending their last appeal under religious freedom our administration is sending a Christian family back to their home country Germany.
Where the state will breakup this family, taking the children and sending the parents to an education center prison for their crimes!

And their high crime? Home schooling their own children, in this enlightened land all children must be educated by the state cookie cutter. Seventy so years ago a similar great idea did not workout so well for them or the world!

That our administration could not find an accommodation for this family speaks how home schooling is really viewed in the land of the free, than their own homeland.....

In the Lord's freedom to educate.............warrior on

February 02 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Faith Cross Pastor/Line Supervisor at a car parts factory
As it has been said "one size does not fit all". Whatever mode a parent chooses for the education of their children, the parent must stay fully engaged and consider more than what appears on the surface.

The parents who choose the traditional method of education, must stay on guard for the child's soul. What are they being taught that will affect their spiritual values. What social ideals are they absorbing, as well as the quality of education that they are receiving.

Parents who decide to home school must be ready for the challenge, time commitment and patience needed. They must also consider that they need a support system around them, remembering that no one person has everything or can be everything that a child needs to prepare them for their future.

Just as there are horror stories of parents who have sent their chilren to traditional schools, and the children have chosen the wrong social crowd, I have seen homeschooled children who are lacking in many social skills, and seem totally inept at navigating through an adult world.

Although the home schooling parent feels that they have more control of the spiritual content of education, are they preparing their child enough for the day that they will leave the home, and be totally surrounded in the world's philosophies. Sadly, I have seen home schooled children end up as atheists after going to University.

As Christians we are very good at forcing our ideals on others, and doing our best to "let others know that our way is the best way." I have seen many Christian parents who have been very successful in raising their children to live Godly lives within the public school system, and their children have become Christian leaders in their communities as adults. Ultimately, this is the desire of all Christian parents, whether they choose public education or home schooling.

May 31 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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