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What is the difference biblically between mind and heart?


Clarify Share Report Asked October 07 2022 Mini Pamela C

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20220415 115141 Scott Tyner
I'd like to answer this using the word "heart" in the KJV and with Jeremiah 17:9. 

But first, to clarify my opinion, I do not think the biblical use of the word speaks of the the organ in the physical body.

In Jeremiah 17:9, the heart and the mind are one and the same. Also, the same Hebrew word for "heart" in this verse is literally translated "mind" in a few other Old Testament verses.

The verses state that the heart is deceitful above all things. I believe this is referring to the mind, will and emotions. 

Now I do not personally think our mind, will, and emotions are maliciously and intentionally deceitful, but actually believe (for lack of a better term here) it is helping the person. 

The problem I think, is that it is trying to help us based on bad information that has been instilled into our mind, will and emotions. 

For example, a man has a bad experience with a wife and gets a divorce. If not processed and healed from this, he may end up not liking any women as a result. 

Certainly all women are not like the ex-wife. So in a sense, his mind, will and emotions are trying to protect him from another bad situation, only this "protection" is deceitful in and of itself.

I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words, so I hope this makes sense.

October 14 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Shirley H Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!
This is a very important question…

So, think of it this way: You have been fasting for 24 hours because you had to have medical testing. You are very, very hungry! You need to eat! You really want a double—no, triple—portion of junk food, topped off with a really gooey, rich, disgusting dessert!

Then, you remember what you just went through. It wasn't pleasant. Your doctor gave you strict instructions about your bad habits. But you really crave and desire this treat! You deserve it!

1 Corinthians 13:11,12: "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, darkly, dimly, but then face to face."

In Genesis 6:5 the Lord declared that man's wickedness in the earth was great and that the desires of the heart were constantly evil.

Proverbs 23:7: "For as he thinks in his heart, so he is."

Colossians 3:2: "Set your affections on things above...not on things of the earth."

The heart has appetites, desires that are not always good.

The mind can reason and reflect and make informed decisions.

Isaiah 23:6: “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts You."

The heart is the seat of feelings, and will.

The mind is the center of your consciousness. It is the decision making center.

If you will, think of it this way: physically your mind is above your heart.

October 15 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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