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Would seven years of famine be unusual? (Genesis 41:27)


Clarify Share Report Asked June 20 2021 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
Secular sources (such as an article on Wikipedia that is viewable at indicate that various famines throughout history (up to the present day) have lasted for lengthy periods of time, often pertaining to changes in climatic conditions. In fact, according to the article, there was a relatively more "modern" famine that (coincidentally) was also seven years long and that also occurred in Egypt from AD 1064-1072.

June 22 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Shomer
I humbly submit a seven year famine period is somewhat unusual, reasonably one could attach a deeper "SOD" that which profits meaning. Scripture represents SEVEN as completeness and achievement. 

The 1690s Scottish famines were particularly severe, partly because famine had become relatively rare in the second half of the seventeenth century. The "SEVEN ILL YEARS" of the 1690s would be the last of their kind. The period is named after the Biblical famine in Egypt predicted by Joseph in the Book of Genesis.

The 1845 to 1853 eight year Irish Potato Famine caused by a crop disease killed off much of the potato harvest in Ireland. Potatoes were the largest food source at the time, especially for the poorer citizens, and this lack meant a drastic lack of food. An estimated 1 million people died and nearly 25% of the country’s citizens were financially wiped out, causing 1 to 2 million others to North America.

The 1959-1961 Chinese famine is the deadliest in history with the governments reporting 15 million deaths, experts agree that the real death toll numbers were from 20 to 50 million deaths.

The 1994-1998 North Korean famine one of the most devastating of modern times known as the "March of Suffering". Nearly 3.5 metric tons of food donations were received via Foreign aid. Despite this, some 3 million lives were lost, but those numbers were said to be significantly under reported by North Korean officials.

Globally famine rates were steadily decreasing up until 2017. 
But unfortunately the world has now seen the resurgence of famine, namely in Africa. Mainly in Northern and Eastern Africa, within the countries of Nigeria, South Sudan, Yemen and Somalia, where starvation risk has dramatically spiked. (Revelation 6:8)

While generally the famine duration periods appear to be shorting in their length, the numbers of the dead are rising. Also consider today much of our farming land is the hands of others, owned by Foreign interests? 

“Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” 
~Alexander Solzhenitsyn

In the Lord's freedom...warrior on

June 22 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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