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How can a pastor, who people say is anointed and so wonderful, verbally abuse his wife in private?

My husband, a pastor, calls me names, dumb, stupid, loser and worse, yet when he preaches he is an amazing preacher and many hail him as an anointed man of God. How can this be? 

Clarify Share Report Asked October 04 2020 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Grant Abbott Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit
Pastors are not immune from being captivated by sin. In fact, they are under spiritual attack much more. Why? Because they are the spiritual leaders of the local church. If the spiritual forces of evil are able to destroy the testimony and effectiveness of the Pastor then the believers will likely scatter, like sheep without a shepherd.

But the bible is clear that when any Christian becomes aware of sin present in the church we have to deal with it. We need to lovingly and respectfully confront the person who has been captivated by sin and, hopefully, lead them to confession and repentance, so the power of sin is broken and right relationships are restored.

I humbly offer the following course of action to help you deal with the sin in your husband's life.

1. Pray
Bring this issue to God and ask for his guidance in resolving it. Consider an extended time of fasting and prayer, maybe a retreat somewhere, so you can hear God clearly speak. Then obey what God tells you to do.

2. Act
The bible provides a model for dealing with sin in the church. The first step is lovingly and respectfully confronting the person about their sin and calling them to repentance. However, because this involves your husband, it may be more appropriate for you to confide in another mature Christian leader in the local church or in the leadership of your church denomination, and ask them to intervene on your behalf. If your husband does not confess or repent, then the matter must be taken, in confidence, to the leadership of the local church (ie the board of elders). The matter is now in their hands to deal with.

3. Forgive
When your husband confesses his sin and repents (desires to turn away from it with all his heart) it is time to forgive and do all you can to restore the relationship. The church too, must do its part to restore the relationship of your husband to the church, if any damage has been done.

4. Heal
Based on the behaviour you have mentioned in the question, it is possible that your husband will need some pastoral counselling to deal with issues in his life, possibly from his past, that are causing this behaviour towards you. Sometimes children model what they see in their parent's relationship and that's the person they become. Or, there is hurt that needs to be healed or forgiveness shared from other life experiences.

I hope this is helpful to you. It is God's perfect will for your husband to love you as much as Jesus loves his church and for him to live a life of complete integrity before you and everyone else. The Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom, courage and perseverance to achieve this victory in Jesus name.

October 04 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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