How should a Christian view vaccinations/vaccines?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
As born-again believers, we are to be faithful stewards of all we receive (1 Corinthians 4:2), and, by implication, that includes our bodies. Therefore, as stewards of God's provision of physical b...

July 01 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jennifer Henkel Bible/History Middle School Teacher, Lover of the OT!
Benefits of Vaccinations are overwhelmingly positive. People who choose not to vaccinate their children are often selfish and hypocritical, because they hope that the REST of us will vaccinate our children, so that their children might benefit from the "herd" effect -- serious illnesses being suppressed because most are vaccinated.

It is not a spiritual issue -- God has allowed us to discover many medicines and procedures to ease our suffering, and it is incumbent on us to be wise and prudent (and considerate of others!) in using them.

December 25 2013 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Joe cattani
I personally think it's a Christian duty to be vaccinated. The law of Moses lists many things that make you unclean. Lev. 14 talks about skin disease. It's clear to me that if you were declared unclear you were segregated from comminity. The welfare of the many is more important over the individual. I think vaccines fall into this category.

July 11 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Donald Woody Musician/Producer
There are many things today that may be of major biblical concern as some may think but not that the bible addresses simply because the technologies available to us today were not available during biblical times. In such cases we are advised to use common sense tethered to scripture to devulge the best spiritual answer. 

We have a spiritual responsibility to care for and maintain our physical bodies primarily because the bible says it is the temple of the Holy Spirit; if it goes down it will hamper how well the Holy Spirit will be able to use it for His Glory. Common sense tells us we should want to stay as physically fit for as long as we can this put with biblical teaching suggests that there is nothing spiritually wrong with vaccinations and vaccines. After all God gave men the knowledge to discover them and their positive benefits why would God prohibit their use if the do good. 

It is wise to check things out however for some types of medical measures are not for and do not work for everyone physically. Again the bible and good common sense would lead use to the right conclusion if it does not work for you don't use it. This however is not a precedence to biblically say that the use of such types of medical technology is against the bible and should not be used. Where the Bible speaks we relent and obey where it does not we have free reign to speak and make judgements that are based on what the bible does say in making the best spiritually informed decision. Read the Bible daily to lean how to use it.

January 04 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Shomer
I humbly submit for your consideration some data to ponder and as always for you to freely decide. (1 Peter 2:16)

There are PERFECT vaccines, like the polio, smallpox, and measles vaccines. That confer lifelong immunity with no need for boosters or infection transmission dangers. Then there are LEAKY VACCINES like flu vaccines, such as COVID vaccines. Conferring a limited immunity that does not block infection or transmission and will need regular boosters.

Leaky vaccines set up a CONSTANT MUTATION in the viruses they protect against because viruses evolve to get around vaccines. A 4th of July outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, had 469 infections with 351 of them being vaccinated people. Growing evidence indicates that vaccinated people can spread Delta just as much as the unvaccinated?

Consider the chicken disease MAREK that does not affect humans. 
It’s one of the deadliest viruses in the world, killing 100%t of unvaccinated chickens in ten days. The feared Ebola virus that affects humans, only kills about 90% of it's infected. The Marek vaccine not only protects chickens against the disease but it makes the virus far more dangerous. Vaccinated birds rarely die but can spread Marek’s to unvaccinated birds, just as vaccinated humans can spread variants of Covid to unvaccinated humans.

A recent study showed that the MAREK vaccine had caused the virus to mutate in directions that made it more DANGEROUS. Killing birds even faster by creating a situation where super hot variants could emerge that may devastate the chicken industry.

Could such a thing happen with the Covid mRNA vaccines? These are experimental vaccines so leaky that less than a year into human trials, a dangerous new variant has emerged. But instead of pausing their universal vaccination program, the government is in a bums rush to mandate vaccination for all? That's a conspiracy theory the government wouldn't experiment because it does care about us citizens EMO. 

Really take a moment to consider the fate of our abandoned brothers and sisters stuck in the Kabul sandbox hellhole. Any bureaucratic system is made up of some good and bad, but mostly those who are dubiously indifferent friend.(Galatians 4:16)

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ~Orwell

In the Lord's freedom and wisdom...warrior on

August 23 2021 8 responses Vote Up Share Report

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